Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 1, No. 1, Year 2015


Effect of High Pressure Processing on Quality of Meat and Meat Products
- Salman Hashmi, Avnish Kumar and Rongen Singh

Population Dynamics of Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch on Okra Abelmoschus esculentus in Relation to Weather Factors
of Uttar Pradesh Region
- Dharmendra Kumar and M. Raghuraman

Model Villages and Village Adoption Approaches in India: A View and Review
- Hema Sarat Chandra Neelam and Dr. O.P. Mishra

Response of Integrated Nutrient Management on Soil Properties and Yield Attributes of Mung (Vigna radiate L.) Var. Samrat
- Meraj Ahmad, David A. A, T. Thomas, Zubair Akhtar, Rahul Patidar  and
Anamika Nepali

Effect of Different Bunch Covers on Fruit Quality and Shelf Life of Red Banana
- Pratyush Kumar, Dhruv Kumar Prasad and S. Saravanan

Response of Tillage Practices and Farm Yard Manure on Soil Health, Growth, Yield and Nutrient Uptake by Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
cv. Kufri Badshah
- Vishesh Kumar, T. Thomas, Arun A. David and Meraj Ahmed

Study the Post Harvest Characters of Banana as Influenced by Growth Regulators and Chemicals
- Pratyush Kumar, Dhruv Kumar Prasad and S. Saravanan

Response of Soil Microorganism on Soil Health, Organic Matter Decomposition and Nutrient Mineralization
- Shankar Ram, Omkar Kumar, D. K. Singh, Mintoo, M.K. Prajapati, Yogesh Pal and Preeti Singh

Correlation and Character Associations Study in WA Based Rice Hybrids
- Pragya Parmita and Ashish Goswami

Effect of Phosphorus Levels, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) and farm Yard Manure (FYM) on Physico-Chemical Properties of Soil and Performance of Wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.)
- S.K. Shahi, I.K. Kushwaha and P.K. Sharma

Effect of Climate Change on Insect Pests and Management Adaptations: Review
- Rahul Kumar, Ram Keval and Amit Yadav

Crop Residue Management for Improving   Soil Quality & Crop Productivity in India
- Indra Bahadur, B. R. Maurya, V. K. Sonkar, Jyoti Dixit, and Sanjay Kumar

Bio-fertilizers, an Important Component of Modern Agriculture
- Dinesh Kuamr Singh, Surendra Singh, Sunil Kumar Singh, Shankar Ram,
Showkat Ahmad Waza and Dinesh K Singh

Occurrence of Some Collembolan Species in Pedo-Ecosystem
- Santeshwari, M. Raghuraman and J. Singh

Role of Life Style in Aetiopathogenesis and Management of Asthma and Allergy
- Gond Pushpa, Kumar Jitendra, Byadgi P.S and Singh Lakshman

A Comparative Study of Sports Competition Anxiety Between the Athletes of Track and Field Events
- Ruchi S
rivastava and Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Ayurvedic & Current Perspectives of Physical Exercise (Vyayama) in the Light of Health Benefits
- Sandhya Pandey and A. K. Pandey

Critical Appraisal of Vyadhiksamatva (Immunity)
- Dr. Shashi Kant Tiwari, Neha Upadhyay and Dr. A.C.Kar

Convolvulus Pluricaulis a Nootropic Herb with Neuropharmacological Activity: A Review
- Mukesh Kumar Yadav and Prof. J. S. Tripathi

Ama and its Pathogenocity
- Dr. A.R. Bhattacharya and Dr. Rakesh Verma

Role of Physical Activity in Cardiovascular System
- Dharmendra Kaithal and Dr. N.S. Tripthi

Prevention of Psychosomatic Disorder with Special References to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) by Ayurvedic Drug Regimens
- Dr. Rakesh Kumar Verma and Dr. A.R. Bhattacharya

Physiological Responses of Altitude Training for Sports Persons
- Kunwar Bipin Pratap Bhushan and Dr N.S. Tripathi

Inner Pages

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 1, No. 2, Year 2015


Screening of Mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] Genotypes on the Basis of Morpho-physiological Parameters under Flooding Stress
Dinesh Kumar Yadav and A. Hemantaranjan

Socio-Economic Perspectives towards Vermicompost Technology
T. Sravan Kumar and G. Sivanarayana

Distribution of Different K Fractions in Inceptisols of Eastern Uttar Pradesh
P. K. Sharma, N. Vaishya and S.K. Shahi

Effect of Phosphorus and Potassium on Soil Fertility and Productivity of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Sanjay K. Shahi, P K Sharma and Y. V. Singh

Socio-Economic Profile of Vegetable Farmers in Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Dheeraj Mishra and Kalyan Ghadei

Source and Chemistry of Heavy Metals inside Contaminated Soils: Review
S.N. Singh, Shree Ram Singh, G.P. Singh and S.P Singh

Effect of Sowing Methods on Pearl Millet[Pennisetum glaucum (L.)]  in Red Soil of Vindhyan Region
Chandra Prakash, Pramod Kumar Sharma and Y. V. Singh

Endangered Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa)
Kamakshi Saraswati

Physicochemical Study and Storage Stability of Ethanolic Extract of Herbal Ghee (Terminalia arjuna)
Rosy Bansal and Saijal Khosla

Scope of Translational Researches in Ayurvedic System of Medicine: An Overview
Ratnesh Kumar Rao, Oma Singh Saini and J. S. Tripathi

Role of Cholecalciferol (Vit-D) in Life Style Disorder & Autoimmune Disease
Anoop Kumar Singh, J. S. Tripathi and K. H. H. V. S. S. Narasimha Murthy

Management of Buerger’s Disease with Jalaukavacharan Leech Therapy): A Critical Review
Ajay Kumar Sharma, Poonam Sharma and Pradeep Kumar Bhardwaj

A Survey of Medicinal Plants Used to Cure Piles
Amit Kumar, Priyanka, Satya Prakash Chaudhary and V.K. Joshi

Gut Homeostasis–By Diet and Agni
Sarita Mishra

Challenges to the Community Nutrition Programme and the Strategies for its Proper Implementation
Sabita, Pankaj Kr. Bharti and J.S. Tripathi

Role of Satvavajaya Chikitsa in the Manage-Ment of Psycho-Sexual Disorders
Ashish Patel, Radhey Shyam Tiwari, K.H.H.V.S.S. Narasimha Murthy and
J. S. Tripathi

Critical Evaluation of Manasa Roga in Ayurveda
Kumar Jitendra, Gond Pushpa and Byadgi P.S.

Sandhigata Roga in Ayurveda: A Critical Review
Sudharma. I. Kodituwakku, N.P. Rai and Rajaendra Prasad

Meda Dhatu (Body Fat): A Review
Durgesh Gupta and A. C. Kar

Clinical Evaluation of Amavatariras in the Management of Amavat (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Indra Pal, Akanksha Tiwari and Rajendra Prasad

Effect of Guduchi and Kalmegh Churna on Kamala (Hepatitis)
Akanksha Tiwari, Indra Pal and Rajendra Prasad

Role of Srotas in Development of Diseases
Pal Pradeep Kumar, Saini Neera and Byadgi P.S

Workout: Yoga for Runners
Krishna and N.S. Tripathi

Inner Pages

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 1, No. 3, Year 2015


Growth and Yield Performance of Seven Popular Hevea Clones and Soil Properties in Sub-Tropical Areas of Mizoram
- R.P. Singh, S. K. Dey, G.C. Satisha, R.S. Singh and J. Jacob

Growth Rate and Trend Analysis of Wheat Crop in India
- Manvendra Singh, G.C. Mishra and K. Supriya

Effect of Biofertilizers, Lime and Different Levels of Nitrogenous Fertilizers on the Growth and Yield of Garden Pea (Pisum sativum L.hortense)
- P.K. Singh, Chathavisie Terhüja and S.P. Kanauji

Population Fluctuation of Brown Planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål.) in Rice Agro-Ecosystem in Varanasi Region
- M. Raghuraman, S.P. Rath and Dharmendra Kumar

Studies on Genetic Parameters and Correlation in Single Whorled Balsam (Impatiens balsamina L.)
- Anil K. Singh, Jitendra K. Maurya, A.K. Pal, Bijendra K. Singh and S.V. Singh

Wastewater Treatment- A Best Alternative Towards Green and Sustainable Agricultural Production
- Ekta Kumari, Mona Nagargade, J. Padmavathi, V. Tyagi and Indra Bahadur

Remote Sensing and GIS in Sub Watershed Prioritization for Ground Water Prospect Based on Hydrogeomorphological Study
- Ankana

Comparative Study of Sweta Anand Organic Growth Solution, Hoagland Solution and Soil in the Growth of Plants Without Soil
- Sweta Singh, Anand Shankar Singh, Apoorva Singh, Kamakshi Sarswati and Suhasini Bhatnagar

Evaluation of Different Type Single Whorled Germplasm of Balsam (Impatiens balsamina L.)
- Jitendra K. Maurya, A.K. Pal, Bijendra K. Singh, S.V. Singh and Anil K. Singh

Climate Change and its Effect on Environment and Agriculture
- Ramawatar Meena, Y.V. Singh, R. K. Meena and Balu Ram

Promising a Revolutionized Agri-Future: e-Agriculture
- Neha Upreti and Jai Prakash

Heterobeltiosis, Average Heterosis and Economic Heterosis in Fruit Yield of Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]
- Neetu, Anand Kumar Singh and Rakesh Kumar

Evaluation of the Efficacy of “Rovaan Kesh Tail” in the Management of Hair and Scalp Ailments
- Kamakshi Sarswati and Himanshu Shekhar Tiwari

Challenges in the Assessment and Availability of Herbal Drugs for Public Health: A Proprietary Ayurvedic Formulation for Viral Disease
- Sadhana Srivastava

Medicinal Plants Used in the Formation of Kanji: An Ayurvedic Fermentative Preparation
- Chandra Shekhar

Pilot Study of Tranexamic Acid in Cases of PPH in Banaras Hindu University
- Uma Pandey and S. B. Deshpande

Non-Pharmacological Approach for Prevention of Migraine
- Sunil Kumar

Synonyms and Therapeutic Review of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus Willd.) from Kosha and Nighantus
- Sanjeev Kumar, Sarvesh Kumar Bharati and Anil Kumar Singh

Effect of Shatavari on Garbhini Paricharya
- Priyanka Srivastav and Amit Kumar

Ficus benghalensis Linn.: A Tribal Medicine with Vast Commercial Potential
- Ruchita Tripathi, Abhishek Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar, Satya Prakash and Anil Kumar Singh

Chirabilva (Holoptelea integrifolia Planch.) in Samhitas
- Poonam Sharma, Surendra Nath and K.N. Dwivedi

A Critical Review on the Concept of Atura Desha W.S.R. to Health and Disease
- Dinesh Kumar Meena and Rani Singh

Scope of Dharma W.S.R. to Ritual Dieties (Karma Kanda) in Ayurveda
- Devanand Upadhyay and B. K. Dwibedy

Therapeutic and Pharmacological Importance of Shakhotaka (Streblus asper Lour.) W.S.R. to Filarial Elephantiasis
- Sanjay Prakash

Effect of Kalmegha on Hepatic Biomarkers in Viral Hepatitis
- Akanksha Tiwari and N.P. Rai

Effect of Compound Drug (Oil Form) on Osteoarthritis
- Surendra Nath, Poonam Sharma and K.N. Dwivedi

Ayurvedic Medicine: A Review on Medicinal Importance of Shigru (Moringa oleifera Lam) in Samhitas
- Brijesh Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar and Anil Kumar Singh

Evaluation of Kandughna Mahakashaya
- Sapna Chaudhary and Vinod Kumar Joshi

Panchgavya of Ayurved in Pashu Chikitsa: The Medicine of Millennium
- Sangeeta Sachan

Concept of Roga and Rogi Pariksha in Ayurveda
- Jitendra Kumar, Pushpa Gond and P.S. Byadgi

Convention on Biological Diversity for Poverty Alleviation and Preserving the Fragile Biodiversity
- Tanweer Alam, Kantipudi Rajesh Kumar and Uppu Sai Sravan

Integrated Pest Management and its Advances in India
- Kantipudi Rajesh Kumar, Tanweer Alam and Uppu Sai Sravan

Impact of Pesticides and their Effect on Environment
- Uppu Sai Sravan, Kantipudi Rajesh Kumar and Tanweer Alam

Inner Pages

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 1, No. 4, Year 2015

Inner Pages


Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Growth, Yield and Nutrients Availability of Rajmash in Acid Soils of Nagaland
- T. Esher Longkumer and P.K. Singh

Evaluation of Minisetts as Planting Material for Homestead Cultivation of Tuber Crops
- Sheeba Rebecca Isaac, Violet J Dickson and Janova Varghese

Adoption of Newer IPM Technologies by the Farmers and Pattern of Adoption vis-a-vis Present Day Intensive Farming
- Richa Kumari and A. P. Nikoshe

International Journal of Educational Development: A Bibliometric Study
- Parameswaran R and O.P. Mishra

Photosynthesis and Related Physiological Characters o Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes under Varying Nitrogen Level and Reproductive Stage Moisture Stress Condition
- O. P. Dhurve, I. M. Khan and G. P. Ricchariya

Effect of Organics on Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil
- P.K. Sharma Ramya Krishna and Shibani Gochhait

Problems Faced by Tribal Farmers in Vegetable Growing and Marketing
- Pradeep Kumar and O. P. Mishra

QTL Mapping and its Applications in Plant Breeding
- Dan Singh Jakhar, Abhishek Singh, Mukh Ram and Rajesh Singh

Assessment of Biological Indicators of Soil Health Under Different Land Use Systems in an Ultisol in Kerala
- A.M. Nithya and Betty Bastin

Soil Test Crop Response Based Gradient Experiment on Rice (Oryza sativa L.) to NPK Fertilizers in the Alluvial Soil
- Maneesh Verma, Y.V. Singh, Ajay Babu, Sudhanshu Verma, R. Meena and S.K. Sahi

Effect of Environmental and Agricultural Pollution on Soil Health
- Ramawatar Meena, R. N. Meena, Y. V. Singh, Balu Ram and Raj Kumar Meena

Vermicompost as a Soil Amendment
- Y.V. Singh,  P.K. Sharma, R.A.  Meena, S. K. Shahi, Manish Kumar Singh, S.N. Singh, Shobhit Singh and Mukesh Kumar

Conservation Agriculture in Relation to Resource Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture
- Shankar Ram, Dinesh Kumar Singh, Omkar Kumar, Shobhnath Yadav Yogesh Pal,
M. K. Prajapati, Preeti Singh and Jitendra Maurya

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Technology for Precision Agriculture: A New Concept in Modern Agriculture
- Shikha Sachan, Pushpendra Kumar, Anshu Gangwar and V. K. Chandola

Extension and Information Management of an NGO: A Case Study
- Pradeep Dwivedi and O.P. Mishra

Green Synthesis of Zinc Nanoparticles and their Antimicrobial Activity against Pathogenic Microorganisms
- Rajesh Kumar Shah, Nikahat Parween and Forishmeeta Baruah

Phosphorus Biogeochemistry of Agroecosystems
- Yukti Verma and Indra Bahadur

Study of Plasmonic Nano-materials for Surface-Enhanced Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy (LSPR) & their
Applications for Optical Antennas

- Anand Mohan

Geospatial Technology in the Evaluation of Hydrogeomorphic Landforms for the Ground Water Prospect
- Ankana

Concept of Psychosomatic Disorders in Ayurveda
- Akanksha Tiwari, Indra Pal and N.P. Rai

Nature's Anti-Inflammatory: Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa Linn.)
- Awanish Pandey, Gyan Chand Morya, Hari Shanker Mishra and Anugraha Narain Singh

Life Style Factors and Corrective Measures through Ayurveda
- G.V. Karunakar

Critical Evaluation of Purisha Pariksha
- Jitendra Kumar, Pushpa Gond, P.S. Byadgi and Manorama Singh

Concept of Jara and its Management through Kshara Potentiated Rasayana
- Vivek Singh, S. S. Yadav and P. K. Goswami

A Conceptual Study on the Role of Baladi Yapan Basti in Management of Udavarta Janya Hridrog–A Lifestyle Disorder
- Richa Tripathi and J.S.Tripathi

Prevention and Cure of Common Postural Deformities with the Help of Physical Activities and Yoga
- Krishna and N. S. Tripathi

Ethanopharmacology, Pharmacology and Phytochemistry of Trichodesma indicum (Linn.) R.Br.
- Kritika Hem, Vineet Sharma, Devesh Kumar, Narendra Kumar Singh, and Dev Nath Singh Gautam

Effect of Bhavana with Amla Juice onin-vitroAntidiabetic and Antioxidant Activity of Amalaki (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.)
- Deepa Kumari Gupta, Santosh Kumar Maurya and Ankit Seth

A Descriptive Overview on Kupipakwa Rasayana
- Ashish Mishra and Dev Nath Singh Gautam

Role of Diet and Yoga in Prevention of Aadhyavata (Vatashonita) in Context to Charak Samhita
- Madhu Sharma, Umesh Shukla and Rajika Gupta

Clinical Study on the Effect of Jalaukavacharan in the Management of Vicharchika W.R.T Eczema–A Pilot Study
- Manorama Singh, C. H. Sadanandam, P. Raghupathi Goud and Jitendra Kumar

Effect of Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda in the Management of Pakshaghata
- P. Sushma and C.H. Sadanandam

A Critical Study of Aetiopathogenesis and Symptomatology of Gridhrasi
- Gaurav Soni and Neelam

A Review Study of Timira in Ayurveda with Special Reference to Myopia
- Priyanka Joshi and B.Mukhopadhyay

Lifestyle Interventions in the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer–A Non Pharmacological Approach
- Ramesh Chandra and K. K. Pandey

Contribution of Healthy Nutrition During Pregnancy
- Dharmendra Kaithal and N.S. Tripathi

Recommended Level of Physical Activity and Yoga during Young Age and Old Age
- Arun Kumar Verma and Yogesh Chandra Gupta

Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Trikatu
- Vineet Sharma, Kritika Hem, Narendra Kumar Singh, Dev Nath Singh Gautam

Application of Molecular Techniques for Pest Management and It’s Limitations
- Paidi Satyanarayana, S. P. Gupta, Pankaj Kumar Ojha, Nagendra Kumar and Santeshwari

Guide for Authors, Membership Forms and Fee Details

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 2, No. 1, Year 2016

Inner Pages


Bioefficacy of Some Newer Insecticides against Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens in Rice Crop
- S.P. Rath and M. Raghuraman

Information and Communication Technologies for Climate Change: A Way Forward
- Varsha Kumari, O.P Mishra and Sarvesh Kumar

Convergence–Divergence Improvement in Plant Breeding
- J. P. Shahi, Varsha Gayatonde and Prudhvi Raj Vennela

Effect of Soil Amendments and Different Soil Types on Management of Sclerotinia Stem Rot of Chick Pea (Cicer arietinum L.)
- Ramesh Singh, K. Ram, D.K. Tripathi and P. K. Sharma

Biology of Citrus Trunk Borer (Anoplophora versteegi Rits.) under Laboratory Conditions
- Manoj Kumar Singh, P.P. Tripathi, and A.K. Pandey

Management of Gram Pod Borer (Helicoverpa armigera Hubner) on Chickpea through NPV and Bacillus thuringiensis
- Jitendra Khamoriya, Ram Keval and Rahul Kumar Rawat

Study on Habitat Ecology and Burrow Structure of Bandicota bengalensis in Groundnut
- K.K Adarsh and Y. Shivayya

Efficacy of Different Insecticides against Leafhopper on Okra, Abelmoschus esculentus
- R. S. Meena, M. A. Laichattiwar, M. Raghuraman and V. Sravan Kumar

Yield Component, Yield and Nutrient Content of Winter Popcorn (Zea mays everta Sturt.) Influenced by Planting Time, Fertility Level and Population Density under Late Sown Condition
- S. K. Singh, U. S. Ram and R.N. Singh

Weeds in Direct Seeded Rice and their Herbicidal Control: A Review
- Shahid B Dar and Zahida R

Weed Management in Custurd Apple (Annona Squacmosa) Green Gram (Vigna radiate L.) Agri-Horticultural Based Intercropping System
- Twinkle Kumari Krishnan, Sant Prasad and Saurabh K. Pandey

Combining Ability Analysis for Yield and Yield Contributing Traits in Bitter Gourd
- Anil Kumar, B. K. Singh, Anand Kumar Singh, and Pawan Kumar Anand

Evaluation of Soil Fertility Status from Tedia Village, Araji Line Block, Varanasi District, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Y.V. Singh, P. K. Singh, R.N. Yadav, S.K. Shahi, Rajesh Kumar Singh, P.K. Sharma and S.K. Varma

Effect of Boron and Sulphur on Yield and Quality of Mungbean (Vigna radiata) in Red Soil of Mirzapur
- M. Halwai, P. K. Sharma, S. K. Sahi and Y. V. Singh

An Approach to Land Resources Management: A Case Study
- Ankana

Bibliometric Study of the International Journal of Communication
- Vijay Kumar Singh, Parameswaran R and O.P. Mishra

Concept of Vyana Vata and its Application
- Ashok Kumar and Brij Kumar Dwibedy

Cissus quadrangularis Linn. (Asthishrinkhala): Validation of Therapeutic Efficacy through Reverse Pharmacology
- Awanish Pandey, Gyan Chand Kumar Morya, Hari Shanker Mishra and R.B. Yadav

Dietetic Rules in Ayurveda
Abha Singh and Jyoti Singh

The Concept of Sattvik Diet in Promotion of Mental Health
- Jyoti Singh, Rajika Gupta, Abha Singh and Sudhir Singh Chauhan

Understanding of Immunity Loss in Relation to Prameha (Madhumeha)
- Neera Saini, Pradeep Kumar Pal and P.S. Byadgi

Clinical Evaluation of Effect of Bharangyadi Avaleha in Management of Tamak Shwasa
- Kavita Vasant Lokhande

A Novel Approach to the Management of Ulcerative Colitis with Piccha Basti
- Richa Tripathi and J.S. Tripathi

Medicinal Properties of Shilajit a Review
- Satya Prakash Chaudhary, Anil Kumar Singh and K.N. Dwivedi

Study of Ayurvedic Psychotropic Drugs and their Effect
- Anoop Kumar Mishra, K.N. Dwivedi, J.S. Tripathi and H.H. Awasthi

Review of Music and its Therapeutics W.S.R. Ayurvedic Classics (Brihatrayee)
- Devanand Upadhyay and Ruchi Mishra

Ayurvedic Approach of Ritucharya
- Jitendra Kumar, Ratnesh Kumar Rao and Pushpa Gond

Healthcare through Ayurveda
- Ravi Dabas and P. Tewari

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 2, No. 2, Year 2016

Inner Pages


Impact of Micronutrients Boron and Iron Application on Morphological, Biochemical Attributes in Tomato
(Lycopersicon esculentum mill. var. Punjab chhuhara)
- Babulal Natwadia, A. Hemantaranjan, Deepmala Katiyar and A. Nishant Bhanu

Effect of Heavy Metals (Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb) Enriched Sewage Sludge on Phytoextraction of Heavy Metals by Marigold (Tagetes sp.)
- P. K. Sharma, Kailash Kumawat, Vipin Kumar and Y. V. Singh

Soil Fertility, Production Potential and Nutrient Uptake Efficiency under Rice (Oryza sativa L.) as Influenced by Integrated Use of Zinc and FYM
- Sanjay Kr. Shahi

Rose Flowers Marketing its Problems, Channels, Price Spread:  A Case Study of Ajmer District, Rajasthan
- Bharat Lal Meena, Vivek Srivastava, P.K. Singh, A.K. Gauniyal & Swati Sharma

Marketing Channel and Cost Analysis of Selected Vegetables in Ranchi District of Jharkhand State
- Anand Kumar Singh and Wilson Kispotta

Mushroom: At a Glance
- Priyanka Kumari and Pankaj Kumar Ojha

Stress Management through Shirodhara
- Abha Singh and Jyoti Singh

Correlation of Prameha (Madhumeha) with Diabetes Mellitus
- Ravi Dabas and Priyadarshini Tewari

Applied Aspect of Bodhivrikshakwathapana in Essential Hypertension–A Pilot Study
- Nidhi Chaudhary and Alok Kumar Srivastava

Achyranthus aspara L.: A Tribal Intervention for Obesity
- Abhishek Kumar, Satya Prakash, Praveen Kumar Singh, Sushma Tiwari,
Minakshi Dwivedi , Rajeev Kumar Dubey, Rana Gopal Singh and Anil Kumar Singh

A  Review of Medicinal Uses of Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa Linn.) Based on Kosha and Nighantus
- Akhilesh Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar and B. Ram

Psychological Approach to Overweight and Obesity in Ayurveda
- V.K.M. Lavanya, Ravi Dabas and P. Tewari

Antimicrobial Activity of Patoladikwath
- Gulab Chandra and Shashidhar V. Emmi

Critical Evaluation of Takra (Buttermilk) in Ayurveda
- Jitendra Kumar, Pushpa Gond and P.S. Byadgi

A Literary Review of ‘Aragvadha’ From Kosa and Nighantu
- Kanhaiya Agrawal and V. K. Joshi

Role of Panchtikt Ghrita Ksheer Basti along with Other Ayurvedic Treatment in the Management of Khalitya (Alopacia)
- Shiv Prasad Dwivedi

Ayurvedic Concept of Nidra
- Jyoti Singh, Abha singh, Pawan Garg and Shilendra Singh Mukati

Therapeutic Impact of Samsarjana Krama–A Scientific Analysis
- Alok Kumar Srivastava, Nidhi Chaudhary and Lotika Bharti

Concept of Life Style Disorders W.S.R. to Rasa Vaha Srotodusti
- Hemraj Meena, Pankaj Kothari and Anupama Shukla

Significance of Prakriti with Respect to Prevention and Management of Diseases
- Ravi Shukla and Sunil Kumar

Ayurvedic Concept of Rasayan
- Shilendra Kumar Mukati, Jyoti Singh and Abha Singh

Role of Nasya and Haridrakhanda in the Management Allergic Rhinitis
- Sunil Kumar

Yoga and Life Style Changes are a Noble Way to Handle Stress
- Ved Prakash Sharma


Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 2, No. 3, Year 2016

Inner Pages


Paclobutrazol Prevents Yield Losses in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) by Escalating Antioxidant Defense Mechanisms under Flash Flooding Stress
- Dinesh Kumar Yadav and A. Hemantaranjan

Available Macronutrient Status in Soils of Mujehra Village of Mirzapur, U.P.
- M .Tariq, P. K. Sharma and Y. V. Singh

Effect of Zinc and Boron Nutrition on Growth and Yield of Mango Ginger Grown in Homesteads
- Sheeba Rebecca Isaac and Lijimol, K.J

Economics of Different Insecticides Against Pest Complex in Rice Crop
- Paidi Satyanarayana, M. Raghuraman and Santeshwari

Efficacy of Newer Insecticides Against Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) Infesting Okra under Field Conditions
- R. S. Meena and M. A. Laichattiwar

Comparative Study of Mitigating Effect of Foliar Sprayed Paclobutrazol and Salicylic Acid on Growth Characteristics in Mungbean
under Cadmium Stress

- A. Hemantaranjan, Deepmala Katiyar, A. Nishant Bhanu and Jharna Vyas

Note on Screening of Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] Varieties Against the Infestation of Gram Pod Borer
(Helicoverpa armigera Hub.)

- Dharmpal Kerketta and Ram Keval

Students Awareness about Environmental Issues and its Pollution
- Govind Singh Lodha, O.P. Mishra and Sneha Singh

Physico-Chemical Analysis of River Ganga at Varanasi City in Uttar Pradesh, India
- Y. V. Singh, P.K. Sharma, R. Meena, M. Kumar and S.K. Verma

Agronomic Responses of Mustard to Fertility Levels and Sulphur Availability-A Review
- S.K. Singh, R. Deshmukh, Ranjeet Kumar and M. K. Singh

Correlation Analysis of Independent Variables with Knowledge and Adoption of Home-Science Training Programmes
- Rajni Agashe, K.K. Shrivastav and Neha Sarthi

Protecting Health from Climate Change
- G.V. Karunakar

Antidiabetic Effects of Karvellak (Momordica charantia) : A Review
- Ravi Dabas, Jitendra Kumar, Ratnesh Kumar Rao and J.S. Tripathi

Clinical Aspects of Menstrual Cycle and its Abnormalities
- Sunil Yadav and Sandhya Yadav

Vaman Dhauti: Cleaning the Stomach
- Jyoti Singh, Abha Singh and Shiv Prasad Dwivedi

Management of Obesity through Udavartana Therapy-A Single Case
- Nidhi Chaudhary and Alok Kumar Srivastava

Pharmacognistical and Phytochemical Evaluation of Amalaki
- Sarvesh Kumar Bharati, Abhishek Kumar, Bhuwal Ram and Anil Kumar Singh

Medicinal Importance of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell
- Jitendra Kumar, Pushpa Gond, Ravi Dabas, J.S. Tripathi, P.S. Byadgi, P. Tewari,
Sanjeev Kumar and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Recent Advancements and Future Prospects in the Management of ARMD
- Shrinkhal and Arvindgautam

Effect of Yagya (A Vedic Process) on Psychosomatic Health
- Lotika Bharti, Gunjan Sharma and Nidhi Chaudhary

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 2, No. 4, Year 2016

Inner Pages


Farmers Perception Regarding Climate Change in Ranchi, Jharkhand
- Varsha Kumari and O.P Mishra

Climate Change and its Impact on Tea Plantation: A Study of North Indian Tea Growing Region
- Razia Bano

Effect of Sowing Dates and Varieties on Phenology and Yield of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.)
- P.K. Tyagi

Utility of Remote Sensing Data and GIS for Long Term Assessment of Large Salt-Affected Blocks in a Part of Gangetic Alluvial Plain, India
- Alok Mathur and Manisha Mishra

Improvement of Salt Tolerance in Pearl Millet: Physiological and Biochemical Perspective
- Ashwani Kumar, Parvender Sheoran, Anita Mann, P. C. Sharma, Charu Lata,
D. K. Sharma and S.K. Gupta

Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis for Yield and Components Traits in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under Eastern Uttar Pradesh Condition
- D. P. Mishra, V. Kumar and A. K. Tiwari

Evaluation of Predation and Developmental Attributes of Two Congeneric Ladybird Beetles Under Variable Supply of Pea Aphid
- Bhupendra Kumar, Mahadev Bista and Omkar

Release of Heavy Metals from Industrial Waste and E-waste Burning and its Effect on Human Health and Environment
- Kalpana Singh

Chemical Properties of Low-Fat Frozen Yoghurt Influenced with Addition of Different Amount of Fruits Pulp
- Kanchan Singh, Ramesh Chandra and Sangeeta Shukla

Effect of Real Time Nitrogen Management on Yield Attributes and Yield of Rice in Central Plain Zone if Uttar Pradesh
- S. K. Chaudhary, M. P. Yadav, D. D.Yadav, Rakesh Kumar, Nausad Khan and
S. K. Yadav

Assessment of Seasonal Changes in Surface Water Quality of the River Gandak, a Major Tributary of the Gangetic River System in Northern India
- Harendra Singh and D. N. Shukla

Productivity Enhancement of Moong Bean (Vigna radiata L.) by Application of Thiourea under Summer Condition
- I.M. Khan, S.M. Kurumvanshi and O.P. Dhurve

Pest Succession and Seasonal Incidence of Insect Pests in Okra Vis-a-Vis Weather Parameters
- Uzma Manzoor and Masarrat Haseeb

Impact of Sowing Time and Insecticidal Schedules on the Infestation of Linseed Bud Fly (Dasyneura lini Barnes)
- V.K. Biradar, P.R. Manapure, R.T. Gohokar and R.R. Nikam

Effect of Storage Fungi on the Growth of Seedlings of Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.) at Varying Relative Humidity in Kosi Region
- Nimmi Kumari

Increased Pause between Consecutive Matings Improve Reproduction and Progeny Fitness in Coccinella septempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
- Mahadev Bista and Omkar

Genetic Diversity Assessment in Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Genotypes for Yield and Quality Traits
- A. K. Tiwari, D.P. Mishra and V.P. Pandey

Performance Evaluation of Biomass Cook Stove
- P.M. Chauhan, A.K. Rupnar and A. K. Joshi

Nature and Gene Action for Seed Yield and Oil Quality Traits in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
- P.R. Manapure, V.K. Biradar, R.R. Nikam and N.H. Sable

Effect of Spacing, Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Growth, Yield and Quality of Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]
- Robin Singh

Studies on Crop Establishment Methods for Rainfed Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)
- R.R. Nikam, P.R. Manapure, V.K. Biradar, A.A. Choudhary and N.H. Sable

Effect of Pinching, Levels of Nitrogen and Concentrations of Cytozyme on Yield and Yield Attributes of Flowers o
African Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) during Spring Summer Season
- Shamsher Singh and M. K. Singh

Screening of Wild Solanum Species as a Rootstock against Dry Root Rot Disease, Macrophomina phaseolina in Brinjal under Changing Environment
- Sherly J., L. Pugalendhi and T. Raghuchander

Evaluation of Different Botanicals (Leaf Extract) Management of Fusarium Wilt of Vegetable Pea
- Shrawan Kumar and M. R. Dabbas

Effect of Integrated Application of Inorganic and Organic Sources on Yield and Micronutrient Uptake by Pearl-Millet
- Swarnima Shrivastava, P.S. Tomar and Vinay Arya

Overall Level of Adoption of Farm Women Regarding Home Science Training Programmes
- Rajni Agashe, K.K. Shrivastav and Neha Sarthi

Climate Change and its Implication Crop and Food Security
- Neetu Singh Tomar

Phenotypic Plasticity in Plants
- M. Amaranatha Reddy, C.V. Ramanarayana, G. Purna Dattha Reddy and
G. Chandramohan Reddy

Effect of Herbal Antioxidant Supplementation on the Performance of Broiler Chicks
- Manoj Kumar Singh, Ram Jee Gupta, Sudhir Kumar Rawat, Ajit Kumar and
Neeraj Kumar Gupta

Minor Fruits in Nutritional Garden: An Approach to Achieve House Hold Nutritional Security
- Divya Pandey and N. D. Singh

Integrated Management against Diamondback Moth (Plutella xylostella Linnaeus) on Cabbage: Review
- Jitendra Khamoriya, Ram Keval, Rahul Kumar Rawat and H.S. Vanajakshi

Phytochemical and Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Madanphala Pippali (Catunaregam spinosa Thunb) Collected from it’s
Habitat and Crude Drug Market
- Amit Kumar, V. K. Joshi and Priyanka Srivastava

Evaluation of Powder Microscopy and Physiochemical Studies on the Fruit of Pippali (Piper longum Linn.)
- Sapna Chaudhary, Kumud Gupta, Sadhana Singh and Vinod Kumar Joshi

Study on Microbiological Status of Fistula in Ano Treated by Ksharasutra Therapy and Ayurvedic Compound
- Kumara Dhammike Lokugamage and Pradeep Kumar

A Brief Review of Medicinal Properties of Patha (Cissampelos pareira Linn.) From Kosha and Nighantus
- Sadhana Singh, Sapna Chaudhary, Sanjeev Kumar and V.K. Joshi

Guide for Authors, Membership Forms and Fee Details

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 3, No. 1, Year 2017

Inner Pages


Standard Manufacturing Procedure of Ashwakanchuki Rasa
- Vidhi M. Shukla, L.B. Singh and P. U. Vaishnav

Moringa oleifera-An Anti-Cancer Agent
- Pinky Meena, Kamini Kaushal and Rajesh Mishra 

Antihyperlipidemic Activities of Cassia tora Linn.
- Nidhi Mishra, Kamini Kaushal, Rajesh Mishra and Ashwini Kumar Sharma

Medicinal Herbs Useful in Osteoporosis
- Hemant, Kamini Kaushal and Ashwini Kumar Sharma

Lifestyle Disorder–Health Care and Disease Management of Ayurveda
- Rahul Kumar Sanwariya and Pramod Kumar Mishra

Rasna Saptak Kwath-An Ayurvedic Polyherbal Formulation for Arthritis
- Shruti Pandey

Vernonia Cineria: A Wonderful Anti-Cancerous Herb
- Vimla Kumari and Kamini Kaushal

Sweta Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum Linn.): A Drug for Lifestyle Disorders
- Vinita, H.S. Mishra, R.K. Tiwari, R.B. Yadav and K.N. Yadav

Pharmaceutical Standardization of Vasa Avaleha and Vasa Ghanavati
- Hansraj V. Barjod, U.U.Zala, L.B. Singh and P.U.Vaishnav

Standard Manufacturing Process of Paradadi Malahara
- Rejoice N. Macwan, P.U. Vaishnav and L.B. Singh

Preliminary Physico–Chemical Evaluation of Haratala Bhasma
- Pranav K. Shah, L. B. Singh, and P.U.Vaishnav

Standard Manufacturing Process of Vijayananda Rasa
- Dhaval Padhiyar, Upendra U.Zala, P.U.Vaishnav and L.B. Singh

Concept of Family Stress and Anxiety on Health of Women and its Management by Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Vandana Verma

A Brief Review of Medicinal Properties of Kumari (Aloe vera Tourn.)  from Kosha and Nighantus
- Rashmi Yadav, Sanjeev Kumar and K.N. Dwivedi

Recent Advances in the Application of Leech Therapy
- Ajay Kumar Sharma

Role of Garlic in Treatment of Atherosclerosis
- Varsha Gupta and K.N. Singh

Phenylketonuria: An Inborn Error of Metabolism
- Pooja Yadav and K.N. Singh

An Overview: Withania somnifera (Linn.) Dunal in Kosha and Nighantus
-Priyanka Gautam, Sanjeev Kumar and Anil Kumar Singh

Leucas aspera: From Weed to Medicinal Herb
- Abhinav Kumar, Gaurav and V.K. Verma

Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) an Adaptable Drug in Ayurveda: A Review
- Anjali Singh, Chandra Shekhar, Varun Kumar Singh and K.R.C. Reddy

CHD: A Common Lifestyle Disease
- Anuradha Singh and K.N. Singh

Agriculture Related Corneal Injuries
- Shrinkhal, Arvind Gautam and Aarti Chaurasiya

Therapeutic Potential of Some Indigenous Food Grains in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus Type-II
- Gyan Chand Kr. Morya, Awanish Pandey, H.S. Mishra, R.B.Yadav and K.N. Yadav

Punarnava-An Important Phytomedicine of Ayurvda
- Prabhat Kumar Srivastava

A Critical Review of Kshara Karma
- Uzma Fatmi

Biological Activities of Ashwagandha (Withania somniferous)
- Kalpana Singh & Meena Srivastava

Incompatible Food (Virudha Aahar)
- Rana Sweety, Mangwal Ketan, Sethi Lincon Kumar, Tiwari R.C and Singh Anoop

Therapeutic Uses of Doorva
- Poonam Sharma

Role of Sutika Dashmoola in Management of Sutika
- Shachi Verma, Gyan Chand Morya, Awanish Pandey, Sony, H.S. Mishra and K.N. Yadav

Therapeutic Efficacy of Kampillaka in Skin Disorder
- Sony, Shachi Verma, Awanish Pandey, H.S. Mishra, R.B.Yadav and K.N.Yadav

A Brief Review Over Ayurvedic Treatment of Infertility
- Lakshmi and K.N. Singh

Growth and Yield Potential of Rice (Oryza sativa) as Influenced by Cultivars and Zinc Management
- Kaushal Kumar, S.K. Prasad, S.P. Singh and R.P. Singh

Effect of Sulphur on Incidence of Linseed Powdery Mildew, its Impact on Oil and Oil Profile
- R.T. Gohokar, V.K. Biradar, A.D. Banginwar and R.R. Nikam

Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and their Symbiosis with Vegetable Crops
- Rahul Kumar and Manoj Kumar Singh

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 3, No. 2, Year 2017

Inner Pages


Study on Heterosis and Genetic Parameter of Yield Traits in Paddy
- Sujeet Kumar and Alok Kumar Singh

Socio-Economic and Professional Profile of Extension Professionals: An Exploration Analysis in Bihar
- Pankaj Kumar Ojha, Madan Singh and A.K. Singh

Current Trade of Live Stock Production in India and Production Status at Parag Dairy, Varanasi (U.P.)
- Sonu Meena and Bharat Lal Meena

Assessment of Growth and Activities of Eisenia foetida under Different Combinations of Bio-Wastes
- B.P.S Raghubanshi, P.P. Singh, Reeta Mishra, S.P. Singh and Vinod Rajput

A Review on Impact of SRI Technology in Indian Agriculture
- Sundharavadivu S and Ghadei K

Impact of Climate Change on Food Security
- Ratnesh Kumar Rao, P.K. Sharma and M. Raghuraman

Role of Women to Control Climate Change
- Anjana Singh

Use and Awareness of E–Resources by the Research Scholar of Banaras Hindu University: A Study
- Ajay Singh and R. Parameswaran

Yoga and Pranayama during Pregnancy
- Anjali Kumari, Ajay Kumar Pandey and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Isolation and Characterization of Antifungal Lectin from Seeds of Cassia auriculata Linn.
- Anurag Kumar Singh, Santosh Kumar Singh and Payal Kamboj

Pitta VidagdhaDrishti (Age Related Macular Degeneration)–A Conceptual Study
- Arun Kumar, Abha Singh and Rajendra Kumar Soni

A Critical Review on Pharmacological and Toxicological Properties of Dhatura
- Chauhan Parul, Tiwari R.C., Mangwal Ketan and Sharma Bhushan Ved

Management of Anxiety Disorder and Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A Case Perspective
- Laxman Ji Yadav and J.S. Tripathi

Ethnomedical and Pharmacological Properties of Phaseolus vulgaris L. an Overview
- Sanjay Kumar, Satya Prakash Chaudhary and Bhuwal Ram

Ayurvedic Concept of Bhagandra
- Sunil Kumar Jaiswal

Adhimantha (Glaucoma)- A Conceptual Study
- Abha Singh, Vijayant Bhardwaj and Jyoti Singh

A Review on Anti-Inflammatory Herbal Drug (Haldi) Curcuma longa
- Satya Prakash Chaudhary, Ratnesh Kumar Rao and Sanjeev Kumar


Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 3, No. 3, Year 2017

Inner Pages


Isolation of Paraquat Resistant Mutant of a Cyanobacterial Biofertilizer Nostoc linckia with Ability to Derepress Nitrogen Fixation under Ammonia Mediated Condition
- Saumya Snehee and M. P. Verma

Role of Packaging of Food Products on Consumers’ Buying Behaviour: A Case Study
- Saumya Bakshi, Harshika Choudhary, P.S. Badal, V. Kamalvanshi and O.P. Singh

Mapping Maize Value Chain-An Analysis of Begusarai and Khagaria Districts of Bihar
- Udhav Prasad Singh, Harshika Choudhary, P.S. Badal, O.P.Singh and Rakesh Singh

Emerging Trends in Biotechnology for Waste Management: An Review
- Ratnesh Kumar Rao and P.K. Sharma

Impact of Agrochemicals on the Soil Fertility and Biodiversity of Soil Arthropods
- Santeshwari and M. Raghuraman

Impact of Climate Change on Crop Production
- M. Raghuraman and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Critical Evaluation of Mutr Ashmari in Ayurveda
- Sharma Dheeraj and Kumar Jitendra

Characteristics of Poisoner (Visadaata) and Method of Administrations of Poison–A Critical Review
- Rana Sweety and Tiwari R.C.

Role of Stress in Women Life in the Present Era
- Anjali Kumari, Vishal Tripathi, Ajay Pandey and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Cosmetological and Medicinal Importance of Aloe Vera : Review
- Kalpana Singh and Ozair Aziz

Anti-Diabetic Herbal Drug of Jamun (Syzygium cumini): A Review
- Satya Prakash Chaudhary, Ratnesh Kumar Rao and Sanjeev Kumar

Study of Effect of Ethanolic Extracts of Phyllanthus amarus on the Root of Allium cepa (L.) and Allium sativum (L.)
- Jitendra Kumar and Manoj Kumar

Guide For Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 3, No. 4, Year 2017

Inner Pages


Response of Guava cv. Lalit to Plastic Mulch, Fertigation and Micro-Nutrient Spray under Raised Bed
- Prananath Barman, Kanchan Kumar Srivastava and Tarun Adak

A Novel Strain of Bacterium, Arthrobactor sp. Use for Decolorization of Melanoidin of Distillery Effluent
- Rajeeva Gaur, Anurag Singh, Soni Tiwari and Ashutosh Tripathi 

Effect of Deltamethrin on Detoxifying Enzymes in a Fruit Fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Diptera: Tephritidae)
- Deepak Verma, Soni Kumari and Dinesh Kumar

The Role of Mycorrhizal Relationship in Sustainable Manner Towards Plant Growth and Soil Fertility
- Shish Ram Jakhar, Sandeep Kumar, Chetan Kumar Jangir and Ram Swaroop Meena

Studies on the Synergism between Entomopathogenic Fungi, Aspergillus Niger and Insecticide, Spirodiclofen in Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae)
- Soni Kumari, Deepak Verma and Dinesh Kumar

Transgenic Technique for Genetic Improvement in Fruits Crops
- Suchismita Jena, T. R. Ahlawat, Anuradha Bishnoi, A. Mishra and Mamilla Sindhuja

Benefit and Importance of Precision, Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture in Human Life
- Raj Pandey, Rajaneesh Singh, Bijendra Kumar Singh and Dharmendra Kumar Singh

The Pathological Aspects of the Seedlings of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) due To Seed Borne Storage Fungi in Kosi Region
- Nimmi Kumari

Problems of Irrigation Water Sustainability in Varanasi District, Uttar Pradesh: Current Situation and Need for Effective Planning
- Pravin Kumar and Vineet Kumar Rai

Global Junction for Climate Smart Agriculture: A Review
Ganpat Louhar, Divya Gaur and Chetan Kumar Jangir

Role of Conservation Agriculture for Enhancing Crop Productivity and Soil Health
- Aashish Kumar, Raman Sharma, Kapil Malik, Harender and Abhinaw Kumar Singh

Insect Pollinators; Agents for Increasing Crop Productivity
- Gouri Shankar Giri, M. Santhosh Kumar, Sunil Verma, Abhinav Kumar, Kalpana Bisht, Rupesh Gajbhiye and Ramesh Babu S.

Assessment of Yield Stability of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes under Different Dates of Sowing in Madhya Pradesh
- H. A. Avinashe, Nidhi Dubey and R.S. Shukla

Effect of Phyllanthus amarus on Reproductive Function of Male Albino Mice
- Jitendra Kumar and Manoj Kumar

Enhancing Environmental Sustainability of Rice-Wheat Cropping System Through Post-Harvest Residue Management
- Kapil Malik, Harender, Aashish Kumar, Raman Sharma, and Abhinaw Kumar Singh

Postharvest Management of Flower Crops
- Mamilla Sindhuja and Suchismita Jena

Silkworm Index (SI): An Evaluator of Mulberry Genotypes
- Mokshe Sajgotra, Vikas Gupta and Anil Kumar

Chemicals Control of Curvularia Leaf Spot of Indian Bean
- P.C. Singh, Ramesh Singh, P.P. Tripathi and A.K. Pandey

Postharvest Biology and Technology of Ornamentals
- Prince, Vivek Beniwal, Chitralekha and Chetan Kumar Jangir

The National Food Security Act (NFSA) in India: A Review
- Ram Kunwar and Vivek Sharma

Genetic Diversity Analysis in Indian Mustard [Brassica juncea (L.)] for Salinity Tolerance Using SSR Markers
- Rekha Patel, Ram C. Yadav, Ram Avtar, Sumit Jangra, Geeta D. Boken, Baldeep Singh, and Neelam R. Yadav

Effect of Processing on Content and Molecular Properties of Enzyme-Resistant Starch from Kodo and Kutki
- Revati Deshpande, Avinash Upadhyay and Swati Kotwal

Hazard Quotient for Intake of Iron, Manganese and Copper through Consumption of Spinach as Influenced by Applied Zn and Organics
- Seema, Neelam Yadav and Sunita Choudhary

Deepaniya and Pachaniya Dravyas (Appetizer and Digestant Drugs) in Ayurvedic Classics: A Critical Review
- Sapna Chaudhary and Vinod Kumar Joshi

Traditional Medicine to Modern Pharmacogenomics:  A Relation between Ayurved and Modern Medicine on the Molecular Basis
- Ayush Kumar Garg, Chandan Singh and Manoj Kumar Adlakha

A Critical Review on Sthanik Chikitsa in Stree Roga
- Preeti Chouhan and Sunita Suman

Role of Natural Products and their Phytoconstituents in Cancer-Targeting the Hallmarks of Cancer
- Priyanka Mishra and Suresh Purohit

Use of Medicinal Plant in Diabetic Disease
- Anjali Kumari, Ratnesh Kumar Rao and Ajai Kumar Pandey

Problems Encountered in the Alternative Schools of Kumaon Division, Uttarakhand
- Neha Upreti and A.K. Singh

Guide For Authors



Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 4, No. 1, Year 2018

Inner Pages


Measurement of Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiency of Different Aquaculture Pond Systems In Maharajganj District of Eastern Uttar Pradesh
- H. Kumar and R. Singh

Biotechnology in Plant Resistance to Insects
- Deepak Kumar Jaiswal, S.V.S Raju, G. Srasvan Kumar, Kamal Ravi Sharma, Dhirendra Kumar Singh and Prudhvi Raj Vennela

Impact of Invasive Insect Pests Species on Agro-Ecosystem in India and their Management
- Kamal Ravi Sharma, Deepak Kumar Jaiswal, S. Ramesh Babu1 and Anil Kumar Saraoj

Future Prospects of Fisheries Development in Bihar and Its Some Selected Ox-Bow Lakes of Muzaffarpur District
- Satyendra Kumar

Forensic Entomology: A Novel Approach For Crime Investigation
- S. Ramesh Babu, Deepak Kumar Jaiswal, D. Rakshith Roshan and Kamal Ravi Sharma

Bio-Diversity Conservation through Agriculture
- Anil Kumar Saraoj, Deepak Kumar Jaiswal and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Integrated Farming Systems for Sustainable Agriculture in Global Market
- Dhirendra Kumar Singh, Deepak Kumar Jaiswal and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Scope of Fertilizer Industry in Agriculture
- Manoj Kumar Singh and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Food Security in India and its Challenges
- Sandeep Kumar and R.K. Rao

Healthy Habits in Ayurveda
- Rana Sweety and Tiwari R.C.

Motor Neuron Disease: A Review
- Ratnesh Kuamr Rao

Guide for Authors


Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 4, No. 2, Year 2018

Inner Pages


Utilization and Credibility Pattern of ICT Tools as Perceived by Farmers of Central Uttar Pradesh
- Ritesh Dube and O.P. Mishra

Impact of Spacing and Harvesting Intervals on the Performance of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) in
MUBI Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria

- A.I. Omar, K.N. Futuless, I.D. Bake and Anil Kumar

Microbial Characteristics of Soil: A Tool for Quality Assessment and Sustainable Agriculture
- Tuhina Verma

Isolation and Optimization of Organic Solvent Tolerant Amylase Producing Bacillus Isolate RG-11
- Soni Tiwari, Neha Shukla, Rajeeva Gaur and Tuhina Verma

Molecular Markers and Disease Resistance in Pigeonpea
- Smita Puri

Effects of Sewage on Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Macro–Zoobenthic Community of Ramgarh Lake, Gorakhpur, U. P.
- Sanjeev Kumar Srivastava, Mahima Chaurasia and Tuhina Verma

Responses and Strategies Adopted by the Farmers Toward Climate Change in Varanasi, U.P.
- Mohd Akram and Ghadei K

Climate Change and its Impact on Agriculture
- Aashish Kumar and Kapil Malik

Use of Minimal Processing to Secure Vegetable Availability During Winter Months in Ladakh Region
- Anil Kumar, Vikas Gupta and T. H. Masoodi

Integrated Disease Management in Solanaceous Vegetables
- Vikas Gupta, Dorjay Namgyal, Anil Kumar, Phuntsog Tundup, Deldan Namgyal,
Rigzin Safal and Shubana Bhat

Biopesticides: An Effective Tool for Insect Pest Management and Current Scenario in India
- Kamal Ravi Sharma, S.V.S. Raju, Deepak Kumar Jaiswal and Sudeshna Thakur

Environmental Risk Factor Linked to the Genesis of Lung Cancer–A Review
- Kumari Shachi, Sanjeev Kumar, Usha Dubey, N.K. Dubey and R.P. Sinha

Amlapitta-A Comprehensive Review
- Sunil Kr. Jaiswal and Brijesh Kumar

Role if Trigunas for the Psychological Behaviour of Person W.S.R Ahara and Vyavahara
- G.V. Karunakar

A Review on Kakolyadi Gana of Sushruta Samhita
- Brijesh Kumar

Medicinal Plants with Special Focus on Adulterants and Substitutes
- Satya Prakash Chaudhary, Brijesh Kumar, Richa Anand, Kirtika and Anil Kumar Singh

Guava (Psidium guajava L.): A Comprehensive Review
- Ratnesh Kumar Rao and Satya Prakash Chaudhary

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 4, No. 3, Year 2018

Inner Pages


Effects of Different Spacing on the Growth and Yield of White Maize (Zea mays L.) in MUBI, Northern Guinea Savanna
- Ibrahim Dauda Bake

Resource Conservation Technology for Sustainable Agriculture
Abhinandan Singh and Pankaj Kumar Ojha

Agrodiversity of Anti-Cancerous Vegetable Crops in India
Anil Kumar, T.H. Masoodi, Vikas Gupta and Deldan Namgyal

Vermi-composting: At a Glance
Sudip Sarkar, Abhinandan Singh, I. Yimjenjang Longkumer and Pankaj Kumar Ojha

Study of Genetic Variability for Pod Yield and Drought Tolerance in Groundnut
P. M. Salunke, M. V. Dhuppe and N. P. Ingle

Response of Nitrogen Management Practices on Productivity of Various Varieties of Late Sown Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Abhinav Kumar and R.A. Singh


Jitendra Kumar, and Manoj Kumar

Analytical Study of Trophic Level along with, Food Chain and Food Web in the Ponds of L.N.M.U., Campus, Darbhanga (Bihar), India
Kumari Shachi, Sanjeev Kumar, R. P.Sinha, N.K.Dubey and Usha Dubey

Ancient Indian Doctrines of Ethics & Teaching, Training W.S.R. to Shalya (Surgery): A Birds Eye View
Rahul Sherkhane and Shivani Ghildiyal

Pharmacognostic Evaluation of Sariva, Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. W.S.R. of Ancient Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia Texts
Deepak Verma, Kamini Kaushal, Ashwini Kumar Sharma, Rajesh Chandra Mishra and Manisha Kumari Kharadi

Ayurvedic Management of Cannabis Sativum Addiction
Devichand, Kamini Kaushal, Ashwini K. Sharma, Rajesh Chandra Mishra,
Pradeep Soni and Ramendra Sharma

Pharmacological & Clinical Study of Brahmi, Gandira & Pippali on Hypothyroidism
Pinky Meena, Kamini Kaushal and Rajesh Mishra

Paatalgarudi (Cocculus Hirusutus)-An Ayurvedic Review
Manish Pamnani, Vinod Kumar and Kamini Kaushal

Applied Aspect of Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) in Ayurvedic Texts & Nighantus
Hemant and Kamini Kaushal

An Ayurvedic Review on Khadira
Satya Prakash Chaudhary, Kirtika Prakash Chaudhary, Anil Kumar Singh and B.Ram

Holistic Approach of Ayurveda in Metabolic Syndrome
Vimla Kumari Bishnoi, Kamini Kaushal, Ashwini K. Sharma, Rajesh Chandra Mishra, Pradeep Soni and Ramendra Sharma

A Review on Folklore Uses & Therapeutic Indications of Nigella Sativa–A Miracle Herb
Vinod Kumar, Manish Pamnani, Ashwini K. Sharma and Pradeep Soni

Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.Herbal Drug in Clinical Practice: A Review
Ratnesh Kumar Rao and Satya Prakash Chaudhary

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 4, No. 4, Year 2018

Inner Pages


Tobacco Farmers’ Vulnerability to Climate Change: Evidence from Land Reform Farmers in Zimbabwe
Confidence G. Nyathi, Abbyssinia Mushunje and Saul Ngarava

Effect of Zn, Fe and FYM on Nutrient Content and Total Uptake at Flowering Stage and Yield of Different Varieties of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Uma Shanker Ram, V. K. Srivastava, S. K. Singh, A. Hemantaranjan and A. Sen

Analysis of Distribution of Rainfall in Bargarh District of Odisha
Abhiram Dash

Crop Residue Recycling and Management: A Way to Sustainable Agriculture
Harsita Nayak & Sudipta Padhan

Effect of Salt Stress on Germination Percentage of Different Varieties of Cajanus Cajan
Nilesh S. Chavan and Prashant B. Kardile

Character Association and Path Coefficient Analysis in Groundnut under Stress and Non Stress Conditions
P. M. Salunke, M. V. Dhuppe and A. D. Dake

Climate Change and its Impacts on Dairy Cattle: A Brief Review
P.P. Singh, B.P.S. Raghubanshi, Reeta Mishra and S.K. Singh

Manganese Nutrition in Wheat
Uma Shanker Ram, S. K. Singh & V. K. Srivastva

Performance of Millet Crops and Millets Intercropping for Rainfed Region of South Bihar: Climate Resilient Crops
M. K. Singh and Vinod Kumar

Drought and Heat Stresses in Crops and Strategies for their Mitigation
Subhankar Purohit, Sudipta Padhan and Soubhagya Kumar Sahu

To Study the Effect of Zn, Fe and FYM on Yield, Economics and Nutrient Uptake of Different Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Varieties
Uma Shanker Ram, V. K. Srivastava

Sewage Sludge for Sustainable Agriculture: Contaminants’ Contents and Potential Use as Fertilizer
Surendra Singh Jatav Kamal Ravi Sharma and Abhik Patra

Effect of Climate Change on Soil Health and Physical Properties of Soil
Vikas Gupta, Mokshe Sajgotra and Anil Kumar

Impact of Climate Change and Abiotic Stresses on Agriculture and Management Strategies: A Review
Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Mango: Fruit Culture in India
Bhagwan Mishra, Yashaswi Navshree and Archana Kr. Mishra

Combined Effect of Jalauka-Avcharan and Yuvan Pidika Har Lepa   in the Management of Mukhdhusika (Acne Vulgaris): A Case Study
Tandup Angial, Jitendra Kumar and O. P. Singh

Survey & Study of Pink Hibiscus Mealybug on Hibiscus rosa sinensis and other Different Hosts in Certain Kitchen Garden
and Nearby Locality of Muzaffarpur

Priyanka and S.N. Singh

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 5, No. 1, Year 2019

Inner Pages


Studies on Short Term Toxicity of Ruban on the Freshwater Catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis
Nayan Kumar Prasad

Productivity Difference between Experimental Ponds (BHU) and Fisher’s Pond Aquaculture Production Systems in Northern India
Hraday Kumar, Satish Chandra Verma, Punit Kumar Agrawal and Ram Tirath

Selection of Maize Soil Sample from Different Environments and Characterization of Antimicrobial Activity of Actinomycetes
Saket Kumar and Rajesh Singh

Residual Effect of Nitrogen Levels and Weed Control Methods on Growth, Yield and Economics of Wheat Grown after Rice
Vipin Kumar Shukla, H. S. Kushwaha, D. K. Malviya, S. K. Singh and R. K. Tiwri

Effect of Environmental Conditions on the Development of Alternaria Blight of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculantum)
P.C. Singh, Ramesh Singh, P. P. Tripathi  and A.K. Singh

Training Provided by the KVK and Impact of Decision Making & Socio-Economic Status of Women Development
Uma Rashmi and R.K. Kushwaha

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance for Fodder Yield and its Components in Forage Sorghumz
Vikash Yadav, S.K. Singh, Hariom Katiyar, S.K. Lodhi and Kalpna Singh

Applied Aspect of Mandukparni (Centella asiatica) in Ayurvedic Texts & Nighantus
Hemant and Kamini Kaushal

Review: Basic Concept of Virya in Ayurveda to Understand Drug Action
Aparna Dixit, Sadhana Singh and A. K. Singh

Review of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn.) in Charaka Samhita
Sapna Chaudhary and Brijesh Kumar

A Study of Teratology in Ayurveda
Mohd Ashraf Khan, Hena Khatoon and H.H. Awasthi

Conceptual View of Brahati Marma W.S.R. to Sira Marma
Pradeep Kumar Pal, Neera Saini and H. H. Awasthi

Elementary Approaches in Management of Obesity with Yogic Principles and Practices
Abhishek Kumar, Dinesh Kumar and Anil Kumar Singh

Relative Effects of Incubation on the Quantitative and Qualitative Characters of Mulberry Silkworm (Bombicidae: Lepidoptera)
Bhagwan Mishra and K. Sharma

Review Article on Pharmacological Studies of Boswellia serrata Roxb.
Bhavna Gupta and A.K Singh

Maintenance of Liver Via Plant Origin Drugs
Brijesh Kumar and Sapna Chaudhary

Maintenance of Ocular Health with Ayurveda: A Review
Priyanka Joshi and Rabi Pratap Singh

Cosmeceuticals and Ayurvedic Appproach of Skin Care
Gyan Chand Kr. Morya and K.N. Dwivedi

Drug Standardization-A Review
Jyoti Kushwaha, Sapna Chaudhary and K.N Dwivedi

Review of Medicinal Properties of Haridra (Curcuma longa Linn.) in Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus Type2)
Premlata and Bhuwal Ram

Medicinal Uses of Sinduri (Bixa orellana Linn.): A Review
Sadhana Singh, Aparna Dixit, Brijesh Singh and K. N. Dwivedi

Therapeutic Importance and Pharmacological Study of Eranda (Ricinus communis Linn.)
Sanjay Prakash

A Bird’s Eye View on Enhancing the Quality of Health and Wellness through Ayurveda
Seema Verma, Kameshwar Nath Singh and Ashutosh Kumar Pathak

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 5, No. 2, Year 2019

Inner Pages


Yield and Yield Attributes of Okra Crop (Albelmoschusesculentus L. Moench) as Influenced by Different Picking Intervals in MUBI Northern Guinea Savanna Nigeria
A. I.Omar, K. N. Futuless, I. D. Bake and Anil Kumar

Effect of Salt Stress on Germination Percentage of Different Varieties of Vigna radiata
Prashant B. Kardile, Nilesh S. Chavan, Suraj B. Raut and Mahesh V. Ugale

Importance of Plant Biotechnology in Crop Improvement for Adaptation in Climate Change
P.K. Sharma and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Effect of Salt Stress on Protein & Sugar Content of Different Varieties of Cajanus Cajan
Roshan A. Diware, Nilesh S. Chavan, Prashant B. Kardile and Mahesh V.Ugale

Climate Change & Drought : A Review, Impact of Climate Change& Drought on Pulses crops in India
Balu. B. Dharbale, Prashant B. Kardile, Mahesh V.Ugale and Dhanashri  D. Nigade

Chlorophyll Fluorescence: A Tool to Study Plant Physiology and Abiotic Stress in Plants
Prashant B. Kardile, Balu. B. Dharbale and Mahesh V.Ugale

Impact of Abiotic Stress on Plant Development
Ratnesh Kumar Rao and P.K. Sharma

Kako Udumbara(Ficus hispida L.F.) an Unexplored Ayurvedic Herb for the Management of Switra (Vitiligo)
Vishal Kumar, Tanuja Nesari, Rahul Sherkhane and Shivani Ghildiyal

Anti-Oxidant Effect of Brahmi Ghrita and Hapushadi Yapan Basti in Neurodegenerative Disorders
Richa Tripathi and J.S.Tripathi

Review of Different Methods for Shodhana of Vatsanabha and Bhallataka W.S.R. to Rasatarangini and Rastantrasaar
& Siddhaprayoga Sangraha

Meenu Bharti Sharma and Upendra U. Zala

Madanpal Nighantu (Lexicon): A Critical Analysis
Deepak Verma, Kamini Kaushal and Ashwini Kumar Sharma

Impact of Balance Diet in Human Life
Pratibha Pal

Clinical Study of Arjun (Terminalia arjuna Willd.) & Khadir (Acacia Catacheu Linn.) Kwath Bhavitsuddha Shilajita
in Prameharoga (Type II Diabetes Mellitus)

Sanjay Kumar, Satya Prakash Chaudhary, Ajay Kumar Pandey and Neeraj Kumar

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 5, No. 3, Year 2019

Inner Pages


The Quantities of Proteins Lost by Various Organs and Tissues of the Body in Clarias Batrachus During Fast
Nayan K. Prasad

Impact and Prevention of Irregular Effects on Potato Production due to Climate Change
Parth, Jaya Verma, Jaspreet Kaur Parth and Shivam Kumar Singh

Evaluation of Paddy Cultivars for Growth and Yield under Tawang Conditions of Arunachal Pradesh
C. K. Singh and N. D. Singh

Screening of Maize Germplasm of Different Maturity Group Against Chilo partellus (Swinhoe)
Tanweer Alam, Ram Kumar, Neeraj Kumar and Rabindra Prasad

Dairy Farming an Approach for Organic Farming Eco-Friendly Way to Protect the Climate Change and Sustainable Crop Production in Ambedkar Nagar District of U.P.
Vidya Sagar, Ram Jeet, Hemant Kumar Singh and Shashi Kumar

Colony Collapse Disorder
Gouri Shankar Giri

Nutri-cereals for Farmers’ Prosperity
Sailabala Dei and A.K.Sinha

Climate Change and its Impact on Global Food Security and Sustainability of Agriculture
Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Drought Condition and its Impact On Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Yield: A Review
Mahesh V. Ugale, Prashant B. Kardile, Balu B. Dharbale and Altaf B. Shaikh

Role of Osmoprotectant–Proline under Drought Stress in Plants: A Review
D.G. Dalvi and Prashant B. Kardile

Drought Stress in Plants: Antioxidant System & ROS Scavenging Signalling: A Review
Prashant B. Kardile and D. G. Dalvi

Changes in Enzymatic & Antioxidative System of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under Drought Condition: A Review
Nilesh S. Chavan, Prashant B. Kardile, Mahesh V.Ugale and Tushar B. Jagtap

Morpho-Physiological Changes in Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) under Water Stress : A Review
G. S. Pawar and P. B. Kardile

Clinical Evaluation of Mulfair Syrup Alone & with Mitti Supreme Lepa in Yuvan Pidika (Acne)
Deepak Mehta, Vd. Karunanidhi Sharma, Pooja Mehta, Anzar Alam and H.S. Tiwari

Study on Microbiological Status of Fistula in Ano Treated by Ksharasutra Therapy and Ayurvedic Compound
Kumara Dhammike Lokugamage and Pradeep Kumar

Effect of Plant Extracts on Hatching of Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne Eggs
Bindhya Chal Yadav and Kalpana Singh

Mulberry Fruit: Super Food
Bhagwan Mishra and Archana Kumari

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 5, No. 4, Year 2019

Inner Pages


The Effect of Climate Variability and Other Determinants on Maize Variety Choices Among Smallholder Farmers in or Tambo District Municipality in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Ngcinela S., Mushunje A., Taruvinga A., Mutengwa C.S., Akinyemi B.E and Ngarava S.

Assessment of Awareness Regarding Levels and Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change Among Farmers in
District Ambedkar Nagar of U.P.

Vidya Sagar, Ram Jeet, and Vinay Kumar

Insecticidal Efficacy of Methanol Extract of Leaves of Aegle marmelos (L.) against Coleopteran Insect Pests
Kumari Snehlata, Rimjhim Sheel and Sabita

Insecticidal Efficacy of Saraca indica L. against Lepidopteran Insects Pests Causing Severe Damage to Stored Grains
Sabita, Rimjhim Sheel and Kumari Snehlata

Intellectual Property Rights in Horticulture: A Critical Appraisal
Bijendra K. Singh, Raj Pandey, Hari Baksh and Rajaneesh Singh

Performance of Early Maturing Genotypes of Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) for
Cane Yield and Quality Parameters under West Bengal Condition

Goutam Mahata

Statistical Assessment of Agricultural Growth in Odisha
Abhiram Dash and Sekhar Suman Behera

Effect of Saline Irrigation Water on Growth, Yield, Yield Attributes and Quality of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Varieties
B. P. Talavia

Bio-Diversity Conservation and Sustainable Development through Agriculture
P.K. Sharma and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Innovative Production System in Horticulture
Sanju Dudi, Kumari Shikha, Vaibhav Singh and Kamal Ravi Sharma

Medicinal Plants and Management of Lifestyle Diseases
Satya Prakash Chaudhary and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Anti-diabetic Herbs in Treatment of Drug-induced Mice Diabetic Models
Atul Kumar and Santwana Rani

Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants of District Chatra, Jharkhand, India
Rajnandani Kumari and Anil Kumar

Innovation of Herbals and Traditional Medicine: Global Challenges and Opportunity for India
Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 6, No. 1, Year 2020

Inner Pages


Characterization of Annona Species &Annona reticulata L. on the Basis of Fruit & its Biochemical Composition:
Review on Medicinal Importance

Altaf B. Shaikh, A. A. Kulthe, Prashant. B. Kardile and B.B. Dharbale

Spongy Tissue-physiological Disorder & its Management in Alphonso Mango : A Review
D.P. Warkad, Prashant. B. Kardile, G.S. Pawar and Vinayak B.Shinde

Growth and Biochemical Parameters of Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. under Drought Condition: A Review
M.U. Tanpure,  Prashant B. Kardile, K. N. Dahatonde and Altaf B. Shaikh

Effect of Sowing Date on Spike and Grain Characters of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)  Crop - A Review
Shubham D. Kulthe, D.G. Dalvi, Prashant B. Kardile and L.N. Jawale

Management of Pod Borer Complex in Pigeonpea (Cajanus Cajan L.) by Different Biopesticides: A Review
Nikhil B. Lasure, Mahesh V. Ugale, Prashant. B. Kardile, B.B. Dharbale and Rahul L. Unde

Role of Environmental Factors in Pre Harvest Fruit Drop Disease Development of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) : A Review
B.B. Dharbale, Prashant. B. Kardile, Vinayak B. Shinde and Tushar B. Jagtap

Impact of High Temperature Stress on Morpho-physiological & Biochemical Processes in Plants: A Review
D.G. Dalvi, Prashant. B. Kardile, S.S. Shinde and L. N. Jawale

High Temperature Stress and Activation of Heat Shock Proteins in Plants: A Review
G.S. Pawar, Prashant. B. Kardile and L. N. Jawale

Factors Responsible for Spongy Tissue-Physiological Disorder in Alphonso Mango: A Review
K.N. Dahatonde, Prashant. B. Kardile, Tushar B. Jagtap and N.S. Chavan

Pre and Post Flowering Physiological and Biochemical Behaviour of Alphonso Mango Influenced by Stem Girdling,
Root Pruning and Chemical Treatments: A Review

Mahesh V. Ugale, Prashant B. Kardile, G.S. Pawar and D.P. Warkad

Flowering Behaviour in Alphonso Mango Influenced by Stem Girdling and Root Pruning : A Review
N.S. Chavan, Prashant B. Kardile, D.G. Dalvi and B.B. Dharbale

Physiological & Anatomical Structure of Nectar Synthesis Glands on Plant Body: A Review
Prashant. B. Kardile, G.S. Pawar and Mahesh V.Ugale

Review on Medicinally Important Plants of Annona Species & Annona reticulata L. for Characterization on
the Basis of Growth & Flowering

A. A. Kulthe, Prashant. B. Kardile, B.B. Dharbale and Altaf B. Shaikh

Effect of Sowing Dates on Phenological Characters of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)  Crop-A Review
L. N. Jawale, Prashant. B. Kardile and D.G. Dalvi

Agricultural Applications of Digital Sensors & Imaging Techniques to Study Abiotic Stresses in Crops
Ram M. More and Prashant. B. Kardile

Applications of UAV-Drones & Robots-Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
Kardile Prashant B., Ram M. More, G.S. Pawar and Mahesh V. Ugale

General Review on Population Dynamics of Pod Borer Complex in Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.)
Shivshant C. Korhale, Mahesh V. Ugale, Prashant. B. Kardile, B.B. Dharbale and Pravin Take

The Harmful Genotoxic Effects of Panmasala, Gutkha and Tobacco
G.V. Karunakar

Ayurvedic Review on Cosmetic Disease Yuvan Pidika
Tandup Angial

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 6, No. 2, Year 2020

Inner Pages


Nature of Soil Acidity and its Relation to Physio-Chemical Parameters of the Soil for Reclamation Measures Adoptation of a Rainfed Area of Puncha Block in Puruliya District, West Bengal
A. Karki, S. R. Chowdhury, S. Kar, I. Bahadur and D.C. Sarkar

Review on the Seasonal Incidence of Major Pests of Chilli (Capsicum annum L.)
B.B. Dharbale, Mahesh V. Ugale, Nitin K. Nimbalkar, Tushar B. Jagtap and Prashant. B. Kardile

Review on Impact of Different Bio-pesticides and Insecticides Treatments on Average Percent Pod Damage
and Grain Yield of Chickpea (Cicer Arientinum)

Nitin K. Nimbalkar, Mahesh V. Ugale, Tushar B. Jagtap, B. B. Dharbale and Prashant B. Kardile

Genetic Diversity in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus): A Review
Navdeep Mhatre, Prashant. B. Kardile and Deepak P. Warkad

Physico-chemical Characteristics of Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L) Fruits: A Review
K.N. Dahatonde, Prashant. B. Kardile, Vinayak B. Shinde and Mahesh Chandre

Morphological and Physical Characteristics of Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L) Fruits: A Review
Vinayak B. Shinde, Prashant. B. Kardile, K.N. Dahatonde and N.S. Chavan

Heterosis, Gene Action and Heritability Studies in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum (L.): A Review
Deepak A. Kharad, Prashant B. Kardile and Altaf B. Shaikh

Review on Evaluation of Different Bio Pesticides against Major Pests of Chilli (Capsicum annum L.)
Tushar B. Jagtap, Nitin K. Nimbalkar, Mahesh V.Ugale, B. B. Dharbale and Prashant B. Kardile

Use of Biopesticides, Botanicals& Insecticides for the Management of Helicoverpaarmigera (Hubner) & their Effect on Natural Enemies Population in Chickpea: A Review
Mahesh V.Ugale, Nitin K. Nimbalkar, Tushar B. Jagtap, B.B.Dharbale and Prashant B. Kardile

Review on: Influence of Different Plant Growth Regulators & Poly wrappers on Success and Survival of Air Layering in Fruit Crops
N.S. Chavan, Prashant. B. Kardile and K.N. Dahatonde

Correlation Coefficient Analysis in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.): A Review
Deepak P. Warkad, Prashant. B. Kardile and Altaf B. Shaikh

Importance of Water Harvesting in Agriculture: A Review
Ram M. More and Prashant B. Kardile

Blue Green Algae in Rice Field Soil

Farm Pond & its Importance as Supplementary Irrigation in Crop Yield: A Review
Prashant B. Kardile and Ram M. More

Observation on the Biochemical Aspects of the Seedlings Vicia Faba L. due to Storage Fungi in Kosi Region
Nimmi Kumari

Management of Turmeric “Leaf Spot Disease” Using Some Fungicides and Phytoextracts
B.K. Dayal

Prevention of Auto-Immune Disorders
G.V. Karunakar

Guide for Authors




Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 6, No. 3, Year 2020

Inner Pages


Estimation of Milk Yield in Different Socio-Economic Classes in Ayodhya District of Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Bhim Singh and Amar Singh

Mulberry Breeding
Shikha Jain, Kiran Kothiyal, Himani Rawat, Bhargav Kiran and
Subhashree Subhasmita

How to Lead Our Farming by Overcoming the Climate Crisis?
Sudip Sarkar

Off Season Induction of Flowering and Fruit Production in Tropical & Sub-Tropical Fruit Trees
Kiran Kothiyal, Shikha Jain, Himani Rawat, Bhargav Kiran and
Subhashree Subhasmita

Honey Bee as Weapon of War: A Review
Gouri Shankar Giri, Kalpana Bisht, Neeraj Kumar and Rabindra Prasad

A Review: Climate Change and its Impact on Agriculture
Kanhaiya Lal, Manish Raj and Sanju Kumari

Gap in Adoption of Improved Production Technologies of the Field Crops by the Farmers of Rehli Block of Bundelkhand Region
Vikas Gupta, R.K. Saraf, S.K. Mishra, Vivekin Pachauri and Smita Puri

Response of Tomato Crop to Organic Vis-a-Vis Inorganic Nutrient Management

Analysing Effect of Soil and Foliar Application of Silicon on Soil Nutrient Availability, Uptake and Disease and
Pest Incidence on Kharif Onion (Allium cepa L.)

Rupali V. Bhangare and Sharad S. Shinde

Effect of Organic Amendment of Soil on Various Morphological Parameters of Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.)
Nimmi Kumari

Preparation of Squash from Papaya (Carica papaya L.) and Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller.) Pulp
Priynka Kumari, Rashmi Singh, Awadhesh Kumar, Rajeev Kumar and Anil Kumar

Mycofloral Growth due to Various Relative Humidity on Some Medicinal Plant Parts During Storage
Ritikumari and B.K. Dayal

Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis in Okra: A Review
Navdeep Mhatre, Prashant B. Kardile and S.V. Kalyankar

A Review on Impact of High Temperature Stress on Biochemical Parameters of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Crop
Prashant B. Kardile, D.G. Dalvi and S.V. Kalyankar

Effect of Different Sowing Dates on Morphological Characters of Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) Crop: A Review
D.G. Dalvi, Prashant B. Kardile and A.H. Rathod

Review on Effect of Packaging and Cushioning Material on Changes in Physical Characteristics of Alphonso Mango Fruits during Storage
K.N. Dahatonde, Prashant B. Kardile and Pradip B. Kakade

Effect of Bio-Control Agents on Morphological and Biochemical Characters of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.): A Review
Mahesh V. Ugale, Prashant B. Kardile and K.N. Dahatonde

Effect of Climate Change on Vegetable Production
Shivam Sharma and D.R Chaudhary

Pest Management in Fruits Crops
R.S. Meena and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Utilizing Propolis Components in the Development of Novel Therapeutics for Covid-19: A Review
Kalpana Bisht and Gouri Shankar Giri

Agricultural Waste Production and its Management
J. Garg, K. Singh, J. Sangwan, K. Srinivasulu, B. Sai Kiran and S. Lalotra

Holistic Approach of Ayurveda in Metabolic Syndrome
Vimla Kumari Bishnoi, Kamini Kaushal, Ashwini K. Sharma,
Rajesh Chandra Mishra, Pradeep Soni and Ramendra Sharma

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 6, No. 4, Year 2020

Inner Pages


Field Evaluation of Newer Insecticides against Early Shoot Borer, Chilo infuscatellus (Snellen) and Top Shoot Borer, Scirpophaga excerptalis (Walker) in Sugarcane
D. K. S. Kurmi and R. S. Meena

Response of Tomato Crop to Organic Vis-À-Vis Inorganic Nutrient Management
Dharm Raj Singh and Parth

Pest Management Strategies in Organic Farming
R.S. Meena and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

A Review on Combining Ability, General Combining Ability (GEA) and Specific Combining Ability (SCA) Effects in
Pearl Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum L.)

Deepak P. Warkad, Prashant B. Kardile and J.D. Deshmukh

Impact of Synthetic Pesticide on Agro-Ecosystem in India: A Comprehensive Review
Kamal Ravi Sharma, SVS Raju, Kuldeep Singh, S Ramesh Babu, Vinay N.,
Basant Kumar Dadrwal and Mohit Yadav

Effects of Weather Parameters on Pest, Disease Incidence and Yield of Paddy: A Review
Mahesh V. Ugale, Prashant B. Kardile and Sachin S. Ubale

High Temperature Stress and its Impact on Thermal Indices in Wheat Crop: A Review
Prashant B. Kardile, D.G. Dalvi and S.V. Kalyankar

Diversity of Collembola (Insecta) in Different Ecosystems of Varanasi in Relation to Soil Conditions
Santeshwari and M. Raghuraman

Fractional Distribution of Potassium in Red Soils of Mirzapur District
P. K. Sharma

Yield and Economic Response of Lentil under Different Sowing Methods
Jeetendra Kumar, Shobha Rani and R.K. Sohane

A Review on: Effect of Growth Regulators on Seed Viability, Germination and Seedling Growth of Custard Apple
K.N. Dahatonde, Prashant. B. Kardile and Pradip B. Kakade

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Correlation Analysis for Economic Traits in Lentil
Manoj Kumar Singh

Micronutrient and Fertilizer Management in Global Perspective
Rubina Gill and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Vermi-Composting: A Powerful Option for Agriculture Waste Management
R. Bhatia, R. Nadeem, S. Saurabh, K. Saravan Kumar and S. Lalotra

Effect of Biotic Activities on Soil Characteristics and Primary Productivity of Aquatic Macrophytes at Jargo River Corridor
Devashish Singh and Suman Sharma

Correlation and Path Analysis for Quantitative Characters in Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik)
Jitendra Kumar and Manoj Kumar Singh

Rudraksha Beads and their Formulations Used in Ayurveda
Shivam Sharma, Pritam Karmakar and Payal Sharma

Seasonal Variation in Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Jargo River Water
Devashish Singh and Suman Sharma

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 7, No. 1, Year 2021

Inner Pages


Concept of Gene Pool in Eggplant with Essence of Grafting to Interdict Diseases
Neha Kumari Mandal, Subhashree Subhasmita and Shikha Jain

Field Efficacy of Cypermethrin 10 EC Against Bihar Hairy Caterpillar, Spilosoma obliqua (Walker) Infesting Sunflower
Sarwan Kumar and Rakesh Kumar Sharma

Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) of Growth, Flowering and Yield on African Marigold (Tagetes Erecta L.): A Review
Rajmani Singh, M. L. Meena, Som Prakash, Shree Kant Maurya and Pan Singh

Direct Seeded Rice: Prospects, Constrains and Future Perspective in India
Manish Raj, Kanhaiya Lal and Rahul Kumar

Extension and Advisory Services in Times of Covid-19: The Endeavour of KVK-Leh
Parveen Kumar, Kunzang Lamo, F. D. Sheikh and Sonam Angchuk

Development of Food Products by Using Capsicum chinense Jacq. (King Chilli)
Kh. P. Devi, N. Ronya and D. Sharma

A Review on Abiotic Stress in Tomato Crop
Som Prakash, R. S. Verma, M. L. Meena, Rajmani Singh and Shree Kant Maurya

Mulching, an Alternate to Boost the Production of Indian Farmers during Pandemic
Kamaldeep Singh and Rubina Gill

Correlation and Path Analysis in Garden Pea (Pisum sativum spp. Hortense L.)
M.L. Meena, T.R. Pankaj, Sanjay Kumar, Rajmani Singh and Ruchika Abha

Influence of Long Term Application of Inorganic Fertilizer and Organic Manure on Soil Properties in a Vertisol
Anil Nagwanshi, A.K. Dwivedi, B.S. Dwivedi and S.K. Dwivedi

Improving Agricultural Sustainability by Using Climate Smart Practices
Bhangare Rupali V. and Basant Kumar Dadarwal

Present and Future Aspect of Dragon Fruits Cultivation
Vandana Kumari and Rubina Gill

Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Yield and Quality Parameters Brinjal in Chambal Division (M.P.)
S.V.S. Chauhan, B.P.S. Raghubanshi, Y.P. Singh and B. S. Raghav

Soil Carbon Mineralization in Different Land Use System Soils of Ballia District, Uttar Pradesh
Deepika Maurya, Ashok Kumar Singh and Anil Kumar Singh

Current Status of Protected Cultivation in Himachal Pradesh
Shivam Sharma and D.R. Chaudhary

Nutrient Management for Improving Productivity for Sustainable Agriculture
Ratnesh Kumar Rao and Rubina Gill

Insects of Economic Importance in Global Scenario
M. Raghuraman and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Potato, More Consumption can Lead to Increase the Risk of Diabetes
Rubina Gill and Bimolkishor Wahengbam

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 7, No. 2, Year 2021

Inner Pages


Understanding the Biology of Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) of Cauliflower under Laboratory Condition
E. Pasupathi, Y. S. Johnson Thangaraj Edward, M. Kannan and J. Ramalingam

In Vitro Screening of Antifungal Activity of Radioactive Resistant Bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans against Maydis Leaf Blight of Maize Pathogen Bipolaris maydis
Manoj Kumar Chitara and Rajesh Pratap Singh

Farmers Opinion about High Yielding Varieties, Integrated Nutrient Management and Integrated Water Management Interventions in Wheat Crop under NAIP of Basawara District of Rajasthan
Santosh Devi Samota, K.L. Dangi, S. L. Yadav, R.N. Sharma and K.C. Sharma

Whatsapp and Face Book: Empowering Farmers
Parveen Kumar, Sonam Angchuk, Vijay Kumar and Brinder Singh

Impact of Cluster Front Line Demonstrations (CFLDS) on the Production and Productivity of Black Gram (Vigna mungo L) and Chickpea (Cicer aeritinum L) in Hilly Districts Reasi and Udhampur of J&K, India
Banarsi Lal, Vikas Tandon, Madhvi Prashar and Amit Singh Charak

Retrospect and Prospect of Underutilized Crops for Food Security
Nayan Jyoti Bordoloi, Binod Kalita, Anjumala Deka and Jogesh Goswami

Organic Farming for Sustainable Soil Health Management: Prospects and Potential in North Eastern Region of India
Popiha Bordoloi

Impact Evaluation of Training on Integrated Crop Management of Arecanut in Dharmapuri District
K. Indhumathi, P.S. Shanmugam, M.A.Vennila and M. Chandrasekaran

Awareness and Use of Polyhouses for Growing Flowers by the Farmers
Komal and Binoo Sehgal

Effect of Foliar Application of Urea, Thiourea and Potassium Nitrate on Taramira
P. Deewan, S S. Yadav, M. L. Jakhar and D. K. Yadav

Study for Integrated Nutrient Management in Okra (Ablemarchousexcelentes (L.) Moench

Assessment of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Cultivation in Jalore District, Rajasthan
Rakesh Choudhary, Mamta Nehra, Ramesh, J. R. Verma, Rahul Bhardwaj and Seema Yadav

Effect of Essential Oils as Fungicide against Phytopathogenic Fungus Sclerotium rolfsii
Renu and Rajeeva Gaur

Impact of Gibberellic Acid on Growth, Yield and Economics of Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.)]
S.N. Meena, Chaman Jadon, Lokesh Kumar Meena, B.S. Meena, R.K. Yadav and Pratap Singh

Quality and Shelf Life of Peach cv. TA-170 as Influenced by Pruning and Pre-Harvest Calcium Spray
Shahida Choudhury, Bidyut C. Deka, and Akali Sema

Phenology, Thermal Unit, Yield Attributes and Yield of Indian Mustard Varieties Under Different Environments
P. K. Tyagi and K. C. Shukla

Response of Tomato Crop to Organic Nutrient Management
Dharm Raj Singh and Parth

Opportunities for Young Entrepreneurs in Food Processing
Sejal R. Sedani, Ishvar L. Pardeshi and Shilpa D. Deshmukh

Effect of Micro Nutrients on Growth and Fruiting Parameters of Tomato Cv. Heemsohna Under Protected Structure
Babar Hussain, Kulveer Singh Yadav and Muneeb-Ul Rehman

Importance of Entomology in Crop Production
M. Raghuraman and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Gender Inequality in India, Causes and Suggestion
Anjana Singh

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 7, No. 3, Year 2021

Inner Pages


Effect of Sulphur, Boron and Phosphate Solubilizing Biofertilizer on Growth and Yield Characteristics of Soybean
(Glycine max L. Merrill) under Foothill Condition of Nagaland

Kevineituo Bier and P. K. Singh

Effect of Soil and Foliar Applications of Micronutrients on Nutrient Content and Uptake by Greengram (Vigna radita L.)
under Dryland Condition of Rajasthan

Shyopal Jat, R. Verma, P. Deewan, Chiranjeev Kumawat, S. K. Dadhich,
K. K. Sharma, S.S. Sharma and M.K. Sharma

Impact and Management of E-Waste
Shilpy Shakya and Kalpana Singh

Soil Fertility Status of Saidabad Block of Prayagraj District, Uttar Pradesh
N.K. Singh, Y.V. Singh and P.P. Barnwal

Biosolids Waste from Sewage Sludge as a Source of Carbon Sequestration and Sustainable Agriculture
Pavan Singh, Y.V. Singh, Shurendra Singh Jatav, Basant Kumar Dadrwal and Rakesh Maurya

Effect of Seed Coating on Seed Quality and Seed Yield of Soybean (Glycine max.[L.] Merrill) in Rabi Season
S.V. Kalyankar, D. B. Deosarkar and H.V. Kalpande, J.D. Deshmukh,
M.P. Wankhade and Prashant B. Kardile

Study of Genetic Variability for Growth, Yield and Quality of Chickpea
(Cicer arietinum (L.)

Tarun Nagar, T.S. Hada, Monika Karnawat, S.K. Trivedi and M.K. Jangid

Ground Water Quality Assessment of Different Villages of Sanganer Block in Jaipur District of Rajasthan
S. Sharma, Y.V. Singh, A. Saraswat, V. Prajapat and S.R. Kashiwar

Evaluation of Infocrop-Cotton Model for Phenology, Yield and Yield Attributing Characters under
Agro-Climatic Condition of Middle Gujarat

Vibha Tak, Vyas Pandey and S. B. Yadav

Fruit and Vegetable Wastes as a Source of Starch Hydrolyzing Enzyme by Using Aspergillus spp.
Anila Zahid and Renu Khedkar

Economic Analysis of Marketing of Potato in Gorakhpur District of Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Hraday Kumar, Satish ChandraVerma, Devendra Prasad, Ram Tirath and
Sugriv Kumar Maurya

Contamination of Heavy Metal in Our Daily Life, Cause and Reverse Environmental Damage: A Review
Raghu Nandan Singh Khatana and Akshita Barthwal

An Economic Analysis of Wheat Production in Hardoi District of Uttar Pradesh
Sevak Ram, Devendra Prasad and Hraday Kumar

Intercropping of Mango and Legumes for Forage Production: A Review
T.S. Hada, L.K. Meena, P.P. Pandey and Vivekanand

Influence of Various Holding Solutions on Vase Life of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) Cut Flower Cv. Dona
Shougaijam Vidyasagar Singh, Sachin Kishor and Kulveer Singh Yadav

Farmer’s Practices in Pesticide Use
Kiran Singh, Komal and Promilakrishna Chahal

Review on Post Harvest Fungal Diseases of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and Their Control
K.N. Dahatonde, Prashant B. Kardile –and Pradip B. Kakade

Impact of Multi Enzyme (Me) & Methionine on the Performance of Broiler Chicks
Shivakant, Om Prakash Singh and Ashok Kumar Singh

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 7, No. 4, Year 2021

Inner Pages


Estimation of Imbreeding Depression for Yield Attributes and Yield of Okra (Abelmoschusesculentus (L.) Moench)
Shivam Kumar Singh, Vashistha Yati, Vineet Singh, Abhishek Kumar Singh, Vindhyachal Prajapati and Amit Kumar Singh

Postharvest Qualities of cut Gladiolus (Gladiolus primulinus cv Candyman) Spikes as Influences by Different Wrapping Materials
Jonah Dakho, Rokolhuii Keditsu, Laishram Hementa, Sabastian KS and
Nini Kuotsu

Effect of Seed Coating and Seasons on Seed Quality and Seed Yield of Soybean (Glycine max.[L.] Merrill)
S.V. Kalyankar, D. B. Deosarkar, J.D. Deshmukh, H.V. Kalpande, M.P.Wankhade and Prashant B. Kardile

Studies on Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance for Some Economical Characters in Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus)
Sandeep Kumar Gupta, Manoj Kumar Singh, Kamlesh Maurya, Chandra Kishor, Tasneem Bano, Saurabh Sharma and Shivam Pandey

Study on Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Field Pea (Pisum sativum L. var. arvense)
Shivam Pandey, Manoj Kumar Singh, Shweta Yadav, Saurabh Sharma

Genetic Variability Heritability And Genetic Advance Estimates For Various Quantitative Traits In Field Pea (Pisumsativum L.)
Shweta Yadav, Manoj Kumar Singh, Shivam Pandey and Saurabh Sharma

Estimation of Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance for Quantitative Characters in Maize Inbred (Zea mays L.)
Tasneem Bano, Manoj Kumar Singh, Chandra Kishor, Kamlesh Maurya, Saurabh Sharma and Sandeep Kumar Gupta

Effect of Different Sugar Sources on the Physico-chemical and Sensory Characteristics of Banana Fruit Wine During Storage
Chavan B.B., Kakade P.B. and Kakde A.M.

Soil Biological Properties Influenced by Organic Manure and Rock Phosphate Application in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Chalak A.M., Gore A.K., Jadhav V.B. and Jadhav S.S.

Effect of Different Chemicals along with Wax on Physical Parameters and Shelf Life of Sweet Orange Cv. Nucellar
Kakade P.B., Chavan B.B., Kakde A.M. and Jadhav S.S.

In Vitro Efficacy of Different Bio Agents and Phytoextracts Against Alternaria Leaf Spot of Cabbage
Sakhare S.S., Jadhav S.S. and Jadhav V.B.

A Study on Entrepreneurial Attributes of Bishnupur Vegetable Growers, Manipur
Basu Huirem, Benjongtoshi and M.M. Shulee Ariina

Precision Animal Nutrition (PAN) as a Tactical Intervention for the Post Covid Upliftment of the Dairy Sector in India
Biju Chacko

Genetic Variability, Heritability, and Characters Association in Maize (Zea mays L.) inbred
Chandra Kishor, Manoj Kumar Singh, Tasneem Bano, Kamlesh Maurya,
Saurabh Sharma, Sandeep Kumar Gupta and Shivam Pandey

Competitiveness of Indian Silk Goods: An Analysis of Intensive and Extensive Margins
Kumaresan P., Halagundegowda G. R. and Muttanna

Genetic Variability, Heritability, Expected Genetic Advance and Correlation Studies of Some Economical
Characteristics in Lentil Genotypes

Kamlesh Maurya, Manoj Kumar Singh, Sandeep Kumar Gupta, Soni Maurya, Chandra Kishor and Tasneem Bano

Influence of Sulphur, Boron and Phosphate Solubilizing Biofertilizer on Nutrient Content and Quality Attributes of Soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) under Foothill Condition of Nagaland
Kevineituo Bier and P. K. Singh

Estimation of Genetic Variability, Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis for Yield and Yield Contributing Traits in
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

Tarun Nagar, T.S. Hada, Monika Karnawat and S.K. Trivedi and Deepak Dadhich

Effect of Gibberellic Acid on Seed Yield, Yield Contributing Characters and Oil Content of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
Jadhav V.B., Jadhav S.S. and Chalak A.M.

Response of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to Foliar Application of Specialty Fertilizers
Jadhav S.S., Jadhav V.B., Kakade P.B. and Kakde A.M.

Effect of Postharvest Application of Chemicals on Chemical Changes and Shelf Life of Banana (Musa spp) Cv. Grand Naine
Kakde A.M., Shinde V.N., Kakade P.B. and Jadhav S.S.

Study on Post-harvest Application of Different Chemical on Shelf Life and Quality of Sweet Orange Cv. Nucellar
Kakade P.B., Shinde V.N., Jadhav S.S. and Ghuge N.N.

Studies on Putative Mutants of Chrysanthemum indicum var. ‘Shinaton’ on Growth and Flowering in VM3 Generation
Adsure D. D., Shinde S.J., Mhaske S.M. and Thange V.B.

Evaluation of Growth Character and Physical Parameters of Fruit in Selected F1 Progenies of Chilli (Capsicum annum L.)
Mhaske, S. M., Waskar, D. P., Adsure, D. D., Dhepe, V.S., Thange, V.B. and Fartade, A.N.

Evaluation of Yield Attributing Character of Selected F1 Progenies of Chilli (Capsicum annum L.)
Mhaske, S. M., Waskar, D. P., Adsure, D. D., Dhepe, V. S..and Khandare, V. S.

Studies on Effects of Chemical Mutagnes on Yield and Quality of Chrysanthemum indicum L. variety ‘Shinaton’ in VM3 Generation
Adsure D. D., Shinde S.J., Mhaske S.M. and Dhepe V.S.

Induction of Systemic Resistance and Management of Dry Root Rot Disease of Safflower Caused by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid by Bio-Control Agents
Sontakke, D. K., Navgire, K. D. and Karande, S. A.

Isolation, Identification and Pathogenecity of Macrophomina phaseolina Causing Dry Root Rot of Chickpea
Karande, S. A., Navgire, K. D. and Sontakke, D.K.

Effect of Different Organic Management Practices on Growth, Flowering, Fruiting and Yield Parameters of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Cv. PKM-1
Dhepe V. S., Bhagat V. V., Mhaske S. M. and Adsure D.D.

Management of Chickpea Dry Root Rot Caused by Macrophomina phaseolina by Bioagents under Greenhouse Conditions
Karande, S. A., Chavan Rutuja R. and Sontakke D.K.

Isolation, Purification, Identification and Pathogenicity of Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid Caused
Dry Root Rot Disease of Safflower

Sontakke, D. K., Navgire, K. D. and Karande, S. A.

Effect of Different Organic Management Practices on Quality of Fruit and Nutrient Status in Plant of Tomato
(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Cv. PKM-1

Dhepe V. S., Bhagat V. V., Ingle J.D. and Mhaske S. M.

Effect of Zinc Application on Nutrient Content in Wheat Crop
Devashish Singh and Suman Sharma

In Vitro Evaluation of Essential Oil and Fungicides Against Sphaceloma rosarum Causing Anthracnose of Rose
Shewale S.D., Badgujar S.L. and Bhokse D.V.

Isolation, Identification and Pathogenicity of Heart Rot of Pomegranate Caused by Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl
Sirsat J.D., Bhokse D.V., Sirsat S.A. and Ambadkar C.V.

In Vitro Evaluation of Bioagents against Fusarium Wilt of Chickpea Caused by Fusarium oxysporum
f. sp. ciceri (Padwick) Synder and Hansen

Bhokse D.V., Apet K.T. and Shewale S.D.

In Vitro Evaluation of Phytoextracts and Essential Oils against Heart Rot of Pomegranate Caused by Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl
Sirsat J.D., Bhokse D.V. and Sirsat S.A.

Isolation, Identification and Pathogenicity of Fusarium Wilt of Chickpea caused by Fusarium oxysporum
f. sp. ciceri (Padwick) Synder and Hansen

Bhokse D.V., Apet K.T., Sirsat J.D. and Godse D.D.

Effect of Various Chemicals on Germination and Subsequent Root Growth in Custard Apple (Annona squamosa L.)
Panherkar M. R., Wankhede S. R., Gharate P. S. and Khandve O. S.

Effect of Different Chemicals on Growth and Economic Attributes of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) Cv. Nucellar
Panghate S. B., Barkule S. R., Gharate P. S. and Khandve O. S.

Effect of Different Rooting Media on Rooting behavior of Fig Cuttings (Ficus carica) cv. Dinkar
Gharate P. S.. Waghmare G. M., Khandve O. S., Babar R. R. and Panghate S. B.

Effect of Growth Regulators with Biomix on Germination, Shoot Growth and Survival in Custard Apple (Annona squamosa L.)
Panherkar M. R., Wankhede S. R., Gharate P. S. and Khandve O. S.

Effect of Chemicals on Yield and Quality Attributes of Sweet Orange (citrus sinensis osbeck) cv. Nucellar
Panghate S. B., Barkule S. R., Gharate P. S. and Khandve O. S.

Seasonal Incidence of Girdle Beetle and Stemfly on Soybean in Relation to Weather Parameter
S.S. Ghodke, D.G. More and D.N. Fand

Effect of Conventional and Biodynamic Compost on Growth and Yield of Chickpea
A.S. Bayskar, P. P. Chavan, Halge, S. S. and Thombre, S. V.

Effect of Microclimate on Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan L.) Based Intercropping System
S. N. Chatte, M.G. Jadhav, D. S. Dhekane and G. B. Jadhav

Effect of Canopy Temperature on Growth and Yield of Castor (Ricinus communis L.) Varieties
D. S. Dhekane, W. N. Narkhede, S. N. Chatte and M. D. Dhokane

Effect of Organic Sources of Nitrogen through Soil and Foliar Spray on Growth and Yield of French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Rabi
Halge, S. S., Jadhav A. G., Bayskar A. S., Jadhav, K. K. and Thombre S. V.

Agrometeorological Indices, Crop Phenology and Yield of Pigeon Pea as Influenced by Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.)
Based Intercropping System

S. N. Chatte, M. G. Jadhav and D. S. Dhekane

Study the Effect of Conventional and Biodynamic Compost Economics of Organic Chickpea Production
A.S. Bayskar, Chavan, P. P., Halge, S. S. and Thombre, S. V.

Effect of Organic Sources of Nitrogen through Soil and Foliar Spray on Uptake, Yield and Economics of French Bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Rabi

Halge, S. S., Mirza I. A. B., Bayskar A. S., Mehetre S. G. and Pawar A. D.

Evaluation of the Different Chemical Insecticides against Earias vittella and Helicoverpa armigera of Okra
Sonawane S. T., Patil B. V., Suradkar A. L. and Ugale M. V.

Bioefficacy of Conventional Insecticides against Sucking Pests of Bt Cotton
Kakad S. G., Patil B. V., Sonawane S. T. and Ugale M. V.

Seasonal Incidence of Shoot and Fruit Borer, Earias vittella in Okra
Sonawane S.T., Suradkar A.L., Ugale M.V. and Nagpure P.G.

Studies on Pre-sowing Seed Treatments with Plant Growth Regulator, Cow Urine and Chemicals on Germination and Root Growth of Rangpur Lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) Seedlings
Khandve O. S., Gharate P. S., Babar R. R., Panghate S. B. and Panherkar M. R.

Evaluation of the Different Chemical Insecticides against Sucking Pests of Okra
Sonawane S. T., Patil B. V., Suradkar A. L. and Ugale M. V.

In Vitro Efficacy of Different Bio Agents and Phytoextracts and Fungicides against Safflower Wilt Caused By Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. carthami (Klisiewicz and Houston)
Bhosale M. R., Jadhav V.B. and Jadhav S.S.

Effects of Planting Methods on Yield Attributes and Yield of Paddy (Oryza sativa L.)
Jadhav K. K., Kashid N. V. , Avte S. B. and Halge S. S.

Study of Population Dynamics of Natural Enemies in Relationto Weather Parameters
Sonawane S. T., Patil B. V., Suradkar A. L. and Ugale M. V.

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) in Bundelkhand Region of India
Neetu, S. V. Dwivedi and Brijesh Kumar Maurya

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 8, No. 1, Year 2022

Inner Pages


Automation in Weed Control System of Challenges-Solution and its Future Trends: A Study
P. R. Balas, N.P. Delvadiya, P. Mohnot and K. B. Jhala

Seasonal Activity and Diversity of Insect Fauna Collected through Light Trap in Protected and
Unprotected Conditions during Rabi Season

Sanjay Vaishampayan, Megha Agrawal and Manoj Ahirwar

Staggered Planting of Gladiolus (Gladiolus primulinus cv Candyman) under Foothill Condition of Nagaland
Jonah Dakho and Rokolhuii Keditsu

The Effect of Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon, Nitrogen and Dehydrogenase Activity at Different Depthsas Influenced by Long Term Fertilizer Experiment Under Soybean-Wheat Crop Sequence in Vertisol
Anupama K., N.G. Mitra, B.S. Dwivedi, M. Mohanty and Anil Nagwanshi

Effect of Organic and Bio-Agents of Plant Nutrition on Soil Properties, Yield and Quality of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum M.)
Ashok Kumar Singh, Anil Kumar Singh, Firoz Husain and Munendra Pal

Documentation of Fermented Food Preparation Technology of Chimpongthu: A Lesser Known Indigenous
Fermented Food of Churachandpur District, Manipur


Technique for Isolation of Preantral Follicles from Goat Ovaries for Better in Vitro Culture
Ramesh H.S., Nandi S., Gupta P.S.P. and Girish Kumar V.

Sewage Sludge as a Soil Amendment for the Production of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
Raghu Nandan Singh Khatana, Tarence Thomas, Vinayak Sharma and Vinay

A Study on Demographical Profile of Extension Functionaries in Kota Division of Rajasthan
Sonam Kumari Meena, Kirti, B. L. Dhaka, L. K. Meena and Chirag Gautam

Economically Comparison of Mini Tractor Operated Installer and Retriever of Drip Line
P.R. Balas, J. M. Makavana, K.B. Jhala, P. M. Chauhan and R. Yadav

Studies of Pusa Hydrogel Application on Yield and Productivity of Wheat under Limited Irrigation Conditions in
Nimar Region of Madhya Pradesh

Y.K. Shukla and Rashmi Shukla

Use of Essential Oils with Biocontrol Agent, Trichoderma harzianum for Controlling Rhizoctonia solani
Renu Shukla and Rajeeva Gaur

Microwave Pyrolyser for Pyrolysis of Biomass: A Review
S. V. Kelaiya, P.M. Chauhan, U. D. Dobariya, M. S. Dulawat and M. J. Gojiya

Evaluate the Efficacy of Green Pesticides (Botanicals) for Management of Pulse Beetle Callosobruchus chinensis
Sanjay Vaishampayan and Nilesh Dhaker

Performance of Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Varieties with Various Level of Phosphorus under Irrigated Condition in
North Western Plain Zone of India

Subhash Chandra, S.P. Maurya, Shiv Bahadur and Shiv Shanker

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance for Grain Yield and its Component Characters in Inbred Lines of Maize (Zea mays L.)
Sashank Mishra and Manoj Kumar Singh

A Review on Integrated Nutrient Management in Custard Apple
Roshan Raut and Prashant Joshi

A Review on Effect of Severity and Time of Pruning for Export Oriented Custard Apple
Vaibhav Dahipute and Prashant Joshi

A Review on Seed Germination in Charoli. (Buchanania lanzan Spreng.)
Vishal Maval and Prashant Joshi

Screening of Different Genotypes and Varieties of Chickpea against the Pulse Beetle (Callosobruchus chinensis L.)
under Laboratory Condition

Sahab Kumar Patel and Sanjay Vaishampayan

In Vitro Induction of Callus In Dendrobium cv. Sonia Earsakul Throught Shoot Tip Culture
Sabastian K.S., Laishram Hemanta, Jonah Dakho and M.M. Shulee Ariina

Bacterial Endophytes from Indian Spices as an Effective Antifungal Agent against Fusarium oxysporum
Keshav Sherikar, S Siddharth, Vaishali S. and Sasmita Sabat

Effect of NPK Levels with and without Zinc and FYM on Soil Available Nutrient Status, Growth and Yield
Attributes of Black Gram (Vigna mungo L.)

Sanjay Kumar Shahi

Genetics of Flowering in Sponge Gourd [Luffa cylindrica (Roem) L.]
D.R. Bhardwaj and V. Kumar

Effect of Seed Priming on Germination and Nutrient Use Efficiency for Productivity Enhancement of Pea
(Pisum Sativum L.) in Acidic Soils of North Eastern India
Popiha Bordoloi

Effect of Chemical Fertilizers, FYM and Bio-fertilizers (PSB and Azotobactor) on Crop Productivity and Soil
Fertility under Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)

Sanjay Kumar Shahi

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 8, No. 2, Year 2022

Inner Pages


Anti-Microbial Activity of Silver Doped Zinc Nano Particles Synthesized by Employing Gracilaria corticata aqueous Extract
N. Supraja, B.M. Manjunatha, B. Vijayakumar and R. Manjula

Zero Budget Natural Farming a Key to Sustainable Agriculture
Prakash Yadav, T. Pandiaraj, D.K. Singh, Vimlesh Kumar, Akanksha Tiwari and Anil Kumar Singh

An Economic Analysis of Wheat Production in West Champaran District of Bihar
Vinay Kumar Kushwaha, Sevak Ram and Devendra Prasad

Groundwater Quality Evaluation of Different Villages of Bhikangaon and Gogaon Block of Khargone District, Madhya Pradesh
Jaydeep, Y.V. Singh, S.K. Singh, Haneesha Padarthi, Pavan Singh and Kajal Singh

Polyploidy Breeding for Fruit Crops Improvement
Shikha Jain, Poonam Maurya, Bhupendra Sagore, Shikha Saini and Bhargav Kiran

Biofortification: An Effective Solution against Micronutrient Malnutrition
Sreethu S, Vandana Chhabra and Gurleen Kaur

Fate of Pesticides in Soil, Water and Air along with its Impact on Ecosystem
Vijay Laxmi Rai and Dhirendra Kumar Singh

Studies on the Population Dynamics of Pigeonpea Pod Borer in Nimar Region of Madhya Pradesh
Sukhadev Patidar Sanjay Vaishampayan and Y.K. Jain

Sustainable Crop Residue Management towards Making Clean India
T. Pandiaraj, Prakash Yadav and D.K. Singh

Role of Next Generation Elicitors in Improving Fruit Quality
Bhupendra Sagore, Shikha Saini, Shikha Jain, Poonam Maurya and Jyoti Mehra

Study on Management Practices of Dairy Animals in Eastern Zone of Uttar Pradesh
Shiv Bachan and R.K. Pal

Effect of Herbal Supplementation of Liv.52 Liquid on the Performance of Cockerel Chicks
Rishabh Singh, Yashesh Singh and Pushp Raj Shivahre

A Comparison Study of ‘Egg’ Morphology and Components of Duck, Domestic Chicken and Layer
Yashesh Singh, Rishabh Singh, Om Prakash Singh and Ashok Kumar Singh

Different Paddy Threshing Machines: A Review
B. Naveen Kumar, R.N. Pateriya, P. Harsha Vardhan Reddy, C. Ramulu, G. Gayatri and M. Arjun Naik

Recent Advancement of Integrated Pest Management in Vegetable Crops
R.S. Meena and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Livelihood Options with Sustainable Hill Agriculture
Vikas Gupta, Ratnesh Kumar Rao and Urgyan Chorol

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 8, No. 3, Year 2022

Inner Pages


Stimate the Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Field Pea (Pisum sativum L. var.arvense)
Ruchi Singh, Manoj Kumar Singh and Ankur Singh

Knowledge of Farmers About Use of ICT Tools in Agricultural Development
S. A. Sipai, M. B. Zala and M. T. Khorajiya

Study on Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Garden Pea (Pisumsativum L.)
Ankit Prasad Maurya, Amod Kumar Singh, Ramesh Kumar Maurya,
Shivam Kushwaha and Ankur Singh

Estimation of Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance for Various Quantative Traits in Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Ankur Singh, Manoj Kumar Singh and Ruchi Singh

Walnut Breeding
Shikha Jain, Shubham Jagga, Shikha Saini, Poonam Maurya, Anju Jayachandran and Bhargav Kiran

A Review on Role of PGR’s in Quality Strawberry Production in India
Prashant Joshi

Macro Propagation of Banana: An Overview
Anju Jayachandran, S. Bhargav Kiran, Shikha Jain and Kuldeep Kumar Shukla

Effect of Sulphur Fertilization on Growth and Yield of Sunflower Crop-A Review
Avick Kumar Kundu, S. Saharsha Reddy, Gurleen Kaur and Vandna Chhabra

Edible Mushroom Diversity of Odisha
Niranjan Chinara, Kailash Behari Mohapatra and Bikram Keshari Pani

A Study on Socio-Economic Profile of PIS Farmers in Jhalawar District of Rajasthan
Jagdish Chand Dangi, Kirti, B. L. Dhaka, Baldev Ram and R. R. Meena

Knowledge Level of Farmers about Various Irrigation Water Saving Techniques in Kota District of Rajasthan
Ranjeet Kumar, B. L. Dhaka, Kirti, L. K. Meena and S. C. Sharma

A Study on Constraints Faced by Farmers in Farming Systems in Humid South-Eastern Plain Zone of Rajasthan
Naresh Kumar, M. C. Goyal, K. C. Meena, L. K. Meena and Preeti Verma

A Study on Socio-Economic Profile of Farmers Using ICT in Kota District of Rajasthan
Laxmi Meena, Kirti, B. L. Dhaka, L. K. Meena and M. C. Goyal

Population Analysis of Tomato Fruit Borer (Helicoverpa armigera) Hubner in Relation to Abiotic Factors
in Mid Hills of Garhwal Region of Uttarakhand
Bhumika Rathour and Sanjeev Ravi

Introducing Black Pepper (Piper nigrum L.): A Review Article
J.S. Tripathi, R.S. Meena and Ratnesh Kumar Rao

Best Management Practices for Soil Conservation in Sustainable Agriculture
Vinod Kumar, D.K. Singh, T. Pandiaraj and V.K. Singh

Evaluation Ground Water Quality of Different Villages, Kovur Block in Nellore District of Andhra Pradesh
Haneesha Padarthi, Y.V. Singh, Jaydeep, R. Meena, Pavan Singh and Kajal Singh

Organic Farming For Food Security in Global Challenges
Ratnesh Kumar Rao and Rubina Gill

Genetics of Pulp and Skin Colour of Fruit Crops
Poonam Maurya, Shikha Saini, Shikha Jain, Vinay Kumar, Anju Jayachandran and Ramkumar

To Find Information about Heritability, Variation and Genetic Advance in Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Shivam Kushwaha, Amod Kumar Singh, Ramesh Kumar Maurya,
Ajendra Pratap Singh and Ankit Prasad Maurya

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 8, No. 4, Year 2022

Inner Pages


Location Specific Stimulant Application on Ethylene Induced Stressed Responses in the Tapping Panel for
Yield Performance of Hevea Tree Sunder the Garo Hills of Meghalaya

R.P. Singh, R. Krishnakumar, Umesh Chandra, James Jacob and M.D. Jessy

Isolation and Characterization of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Isolated from
Lentil Rhizosphere and Evaluation of their Effect on Plant for Enhanced Crop Production

Tuhina Verma and Aarya Singh

Evaluation of Physico-Chemical and Biological Properties of Soil as Affected by Different Land Use
System of Wokha District of Nagaland

Meryani M Lotha and P. K. Singh

Climate Change: Causes, Consequences and Mitigation Strategies

Lubna Altaf, Aabid Ahmad Bhat, Burgish Parveez Bhat, Shabir Ahmad Bhat and Shabir Ahmad Wani

Impact of Climate Change on Insect Pests Infesting Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum L. in Northern Kashmir

Ravish, M. Ayoob Mantoo, Ishtiyaq Ahad, Mudasir Gani Bhat, Sumaria Rafiq,
Ulfat Jan and Rasy Fayaz

Combating the Threats of Climate Change with Agricultural Technologies
Aabid Ahmad Bhat, Lubna Altaf, Khursheed Ahmad Dar, Burgish Parveez Bhat, Aabid Khaliq Tantray and Shabir Ahmad Wani

Impact of Fungicide on Late Blight Disease of Potato cv. Kufri jyoti in Jalandhar District Punjab
Shalu Rani and Poonam

Study the Yield, Cost and Net Returns of High Yielding Wheat at Different Farm Size Groups
Ashok Kumar Singh

Salinity-Induced Physiological Changes in Paddy Field Diazotrophic Cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120
Rupanshee Srivastava, Sangrila Singh, Sadhana Yadav, Tripti Kanda, Nidhi Singh, Shivam Yadav and Neelam Atri

Fermentation Based Enhancement of Phenolic Acids and Bioactive Properties of O. sanctum (Leaf)
Methanolic Extract by Lactobacillus acidophilus (NCIM-5307)

Khalid Hussain Salaria, Sanjay Guleria, Aasiya Majeed, Pooja Choudhary and
Brajeshwar Singh

Effect of Different Concentrations of Amphiregulin on Ovine Granulosa Cell Monolayer Formation
Ramesh H. S., B. Sampath Kumar, Manasa V., Srikanth. N., Nandi S., Ramesh P.T. and Girish Kumar V

Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs–An Overview
Ithrineni Karthik, Amita Dubey, Madhu Swamy, Yamini Verma, Maneesh Jatav, Apeksha Khare and Saindla Rakesh

Economic Analysis of an I.C. Engine Operated Paddy Transplanter
Arjya Utkalini Sahoo and Markandeya Mahapatra

A Study on Media Preferences of Organic Farmers in Hilly District Reasi of Jammu & Kashmir
Banarsi Lal and Vikas Tandon

Chilling Injury in Vegetable Crops
Jyothsna J

Comparison of Empirical Models with FAO Model for Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration Using Python Interface
Mahesh Chand Singh, Koyel Sur, J. P. Singh, Sanjay Satpute and Sompal Singh

Economic Evaluation of Kinnow Mandarin (Citrus reticulate Blanco) as Affected by Drip Irrigation and
Some Antitranspirants under Rainfed Condition

Vijay Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, V.B. Singh, Bhav Kumar Sinha, Permendra Singh, Vishal Raina and Shalini Khajuria

Genetic Variability and Selection on Superior Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Trees Within Seedling
Population Growing in Kashmir Valley

Imtiyaz Ahmad Lone

Evapotranspiration Time Series Trend Analysis of Barnala District of Central Punjab During the Period of 1980-2021
Dnyaneshwar A. Madane

Impact of Climate Change on Insects/Pests and Diseases and their Management
Burgish Parveez Bhat, Lubna Altaf and Aabid Ahmad Bhat

Soil Properties in Relation to Land-Use Systems of Western Himalayas, India
Padma Angmo, Keshani and Sandeep Sharma

Perception Level of Farmers about Various Source of Risk in Kota District of Rajasthan
Umesh Chandra Choudhary, B. L. Dhaka, Kirti, L. K. Meena and Chirag Gautam

A Review on Nutrients and PGRS Interaction Strawberry Production in India
Prashant Joshi

Effects of Income on Rural Household Food Security During Covid-19 Pandemic in South Africa
Nobukhosi Nhliziyo and A. Mushunje

Population Dynamics of Invasive Insect Pest Erionota torus Evans (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) on Banana In Southern Maharashtra
Munj S.S., Munj A.Y., Thakur M.V., Humbare M.D. and Pawale A.V.

Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis Studies in Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp]
Gaiwal, K. B., Toprope, V. N., Patil, S. S., Shinde, J. V. and Zate, A. K.

Development of Low Calorie Enriched Diabetic Sandesh by Using Physico-Chemical Propertiess and Sensory Characteristics
B.M. Manjunatha, N. Supraja and B. Vijayakumar

Nanotechnology in Agricultural Applications
N. Supraja and B.M. Manjunatha

Biosynthesis of Green Copper and Silver Nanoparticle and Evaluation of their In Vivo Eco-Friendly
Antimicrobial Potential against Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae

Rothe A. S., Narute T. K. and Bagul V. K.

Isolation, Characterization and Identification of Rhizobium spp. from Chickpea
Bobade S. S., Chavan R. A., Babhare S. V. and Chavan S. A.

Character Association and Path Coefficient Analysis Studies in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
Chaudhari, B. D., Ghodke, M. K., Gaiwal K. B., Shinde S. L. and Darve S. M.

Effect of Foliar Application of Water-Soluble Fertilizers on Available Nutrients and Uptake of Nutrients
in Soybean (Glycine max L.)

Bodke, V. S., Hanwate, G. R., Gorde, N. B. and Shendare, D. V.

In Vitro Evaluation of Bioagents and Phytoextracts against Alternaria cucumerina, Causing Leaf Blight of Bottle Gourd
Babhare S.V., A. P. Suryawanshi, Bobade S. S. and Chandurkar R.S.

Effect of Organic Farming on Yield and Economics of Soybean
Gorde, N. B., Zade, S. P., Nakhate, P. S. and Bodke. V. S.

Effect of Postharvest Application of Chemicals on Physical Changes and Shelf Life of Banana (Musa spp) Cv. Grand Naine
Kakde A.M., Shinde V.N. Chavan B.B. and Kakade P.B.

Pre-Breeding-A Link Between Genetic Resources and Plant Breeding
A. Krishnamoorthi and Shikha Jain

Management Practices Followed by Buffalo Owner during Marketing in Nanded District
Dhuppe R.M., A.T. Shinde and Jadhao L.M.

Variability Analysis in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
S.S. Gavade, A.A. Madane, S.L. Shinde, S.M. Shrotri, L.P. Godade and
V. N. Toprope

Integrated Farming System for Sustainable Farmers’ Income in Haryana
D.S. Jakhar, Vinita Rajput, Sunil Kumar and Narender Kumar

Standardization and Acceptability of Whey Beverage from Goat Milk Using Ginger Extract
S. S. Bansode, K. R. Chavan and B. B. Chaudhari

Evaluate the Efficacy of Insecticides against Whitefly and Fruit Borer of Tomato
Patidar Nirmal and Vaishampayan Sanjay

Studies on Physicochemical Properties and Shelf Life of Whey Beverage from Goat Milk by Using Ginger Extract
S. S. Bansode, K. R. Chavan and B. B. Chaudhari

Efficacy of Different Fungicides against Colletotrichum lindemuthianum Causing Anthracnose of Cowpea
A.D. Lokhande, M.S. Dadke, T.S. Godhavale, R.K. Jyotika and B.D. Deokar

Evaluation of Different Fungicides against Ganoderma spp. Causing Basal Stem Rot Disease of Gulmohar
T.S. Godhavale, C.V. Ambadkar., A.D. Lokhande and R.S. Chandurkar

Study of Socio-Economic Characteristics of Soybean Farmers in Hingoli District of Maharashtra State
Mane N.V., Thombare R.A., Bodakhe G.M. and Dhokar N.R.

A Study of Socio-Economic Characteristics of Guava Growers in Pune District of Maharashtra State
Shingare P.S., Thombare R.A. and Bodakhe G.M.

Channels of Buffalo Marketing in Nanded District
R.M. Dhuppe and A.T. Shinde

Effect of Long Term Fertilization and Manuring on Physico-Chemical Properties in Soybean- Safflower Cropping Sequence under Vertisol
Priyanka S. Nakhate, Ramprasad N. Khandare, Nikita D. Pardeshi, Nikita B. Gorde and Suresh M. Khating

Performance of Different Genotypes of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)
Raj Pandey and Rajaneesh Singh

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 9, No. 1, Year 2023

Inner Pages


Physical Parameters of Jackfruit (Artocarous heterophyllus L.) at Various Stages of Harvesting
L. S. Pawar, V. V. Shinde, R. G. Khandekar, C. D. Pawar and S. G. Mahadik

Studies on Textural Properties of Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) Peda
M.B. Shevale, P.V. Padghan, S.N. Waychal and R.S. Rananavare

Effect of Different Growing Media on Growth and Development of Bromeliad (Aechmea gamosepala)
Sasane S.D., Salvi B.R., Dalvi N.V., Dhopavkar R.V., Malshe K.V. and Pandit P.P.

Study the Economics of Brinjal with Use of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Farmers Tracks
Ashssok Kumar Singh

Correlation and Path Analysis Studies in Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)
A. R. Patil, P.B. Wadikar, M.V. Rao, V. T. Dalvi and A. K. Zate

Transgressive Segregation Studies in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
S.S. Gavade, V.N. Toprope, S.M. Shrotri, A.M. Awaghade and V.L. Rathod

Use of Growth Regulators for Standardization of Propagation Technique in Allamanda (Allamanda blanchetii L.)
Pandit P.P., Salvi B.R., Dalvi N.V., Mane A.V., Pawar C.D. and Sasane S.D.

Correlation and Path Analysis for Seed Yield and Yield Contributing Traits in Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)
M. Venkateswara Rao, P.B. Wadikar, A.R. Patil, G. Sai Charan and K.Yaswanth

A Review on Growing Media in Strawberry Production
Prashant Joshi

A Detailed Review on Nanotechnology for Pollutant Degradation Studies
N. Supraja, B.M. Manjunatha and B. Vijaya Kumar

Changes in Chemical Composition of Watermelon Rind Candy during Storage
Durga V. S., Pawar C. D., Parulekar Y. R., Dhopavkar R. V. and Khanvilkar, M. H.

Studies on Performance of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) Genotypes on Growth and Yield Parameters
under Polyhouse Conditions

Rutuja D. Pawar, N. V. Dalvi, K. V. Malshe, H. T. Jadhav, S. G. Mahadik,
Mayuri S. Mhatre and Rukmini D. Nikam

Effect of Different Herbicides on Soil Chemical Properties in Soybean (Glycine max L.)
Borje S. A., Sinare B. T., Ingale H.P., Patil P. S. and Pisal R. S.

Evaluation of Growth Character and Qualitative Parameters of Dolichos Bean (Dolichos lablab L.)

Ingale, H. P., Patil, D. D., Patil, P. S., Borje, S. A., Pisal, R. S. and Nikam, R. D.

Constraints Faced by the Grape Growers in Use of Social Media
Patil P. S., Sasane G. K., Ingale H. P., Borje S. A. and Pisal R. S.

Effect of Sources and Levels of Sulphur on Quality of Garlic (Allium sativum L.)
D.R. Veer, V.S. Jagtap, A.S. Gajbhiye, S.S. Wankhede, S.B. Shinde and P.N. Puram

Effect of Growth Inhibitors on Seed Yield and Quality of Okra
S.M. Darve, S.M. Ghawade, P.R. Raut, S.O. Hote and B.D. Chaudhari

Bioefficacy of Essential Oils against Fungal Fruit Rot of Pomegranate Caused by Alternaria alternate
Burgute K. A., Kharpude P. C., Rothe A.S. and Magar S.J.

Effect of Inorganic Fertilizers on Soil Parameters in Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus undatus)
Pisal. R. S., Deore S.B., Kardak S. M., Ingale H. P., Borje. S. A. and Patil. P.S.

Pulsing Treatments for Improving the Vase Life of Different Varieties of Gladiolus Cv. Arka Amar, Arka Naveen, Arka Kumkum and Arka Darshan
P.R. Raut, Megha H. Dahale, S. M. Darve and Harsha S. Kumbhalkar

Study of Statistical Characteristics of Rainfall and Evaporation for Parbhani District of Maharashtra State
Kale S.M., Gethe R.A. and Gosavi R.A.

In-Vitro Micropropagation Studies of Solanum Nigrum L. Using Nodal Explant
Nalge S.S., Chandre M.A., Sawant A.R. and Bhagat A. R.

Determination of Physical Properties of Pearl Millet (Bajra) and Finger Millet (Ragi)
R. A. Gosavi, R.A. Gethe and S.M. Kale

Comparative Evaluation of Hybrid Agro-Processing Unit Operated by Bullock and Solar Power (Flour Mill)
Gethe R.A., Kale S.M., Gosavi R. A. and Kamble G. K.

To Study the Knowledge of Flood Affected Farmers about Sugarcane Management Practices for Flood Affected Area
L. S. Lonkar, A.M. Immanavar, P.D. Limbhore, D.D.Yadav and P.S. Patil

To Study the Problems and Aspirations of Sugarcane Harvesting Labourers
A.M. Immanavar, G. K. Waman, P.D. Limbhore, P.S. Patil and S.S. Mungase

To Study the Personal and Socio Economic Characteristics of Sugarcane Harvesting Labourers
A. M. Immanavar, G. K. Waman, P.D. Limbhore, S.S. Mungase and P.S. Patil

Effect of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Powder on Haemato-Biochemical Parameter of Osmanabadi Kids
R. S. Pingale, S. S. Deshmukh and R. S. Bhendegave

To Study the Constraints Faced and Suggestions Made by the Farmers In Management of Flood Affected Sugarcane Area
L. S. Lonkar, A.M. Immanavar, P.D. Limbhore, P.S. Patil and D.D. Yadav

Response of Different Levels of Potassium and Sulphur on Chemical Properties of Soil after Harvest of Mustard in Lateritic Soils of Konkan
K.G. Shinde, S.V. Deshmukh, S.B. Dodake, T.N. Thorat and S.M. Kulkarni

Effect of Application of Biochar on Growth and Yield of Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.)
Kanchan D. Ingle, Parulekar Y. R., Haldavanekar P. C., Dhopavkar R. V. and Sanap P. B.

Studies on Sensory Qualities of Paneer Whey Beverage Blended with Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) Juice
S. V. Lashkare, V. R. Bhaiyye, V. A. Shinde and S. P. Nage

Studies on Chemical Properties of Paneer Whey Beverage Blended with Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) Juice
S. V. Lashkare, V. R. Bhaiyye, V. A. Shinde and S. P. Nage

Correlation of Seed Cotton Yield with Agrometeorological Indices and Different Crop Growth Stages under High Density Planting
A. B. Deshmane, V. K. Khargakharate and P. B. Kedar

To Study the Correlation and Path Analysis in Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L)
V.T. Dalvi, P.B. Wadikar, A.R. Patil, R.S. Jadhav and R.A. Thombare

Effect of Inorganic Fertilizers and Organic Manures on Growth and Yield of Wheat Grown in Normal and Saline Sodic Inceptisol
S. M. Bhaisare, P. S. Bodhare, R. Gurjar, P. S. More and P. S. Gochar

Effect of Biological Phosphate Rich Manure (Bio-PROM) on Growth Parameters and Yield of Soybean
P.S. More, S.M. Bhaisare and P.S. Bodhare

To Study the Variability in Arrivals and Prices of Coconut in Goa Agricultural Produce and Livestock Marketing Board, Arlem-Goa
Phadte P. V., Hile R. B., Gophane G. R. and Mohite N.S.

Constrains Faced by Farmers in Adoption of Dhanshakti Variety of Pearl Millet
Gophane Gauri, M.C. Ahire and R.B. Kalamkar

To Study the Seasonal Indices in Arrival and Prices Coconut and Cashewnut in Goa Agricultural Produce and Livestock Marketing Board, Arlem-Goa
Phadte P. V., R. B. Hile, G. R. Gophane and Mohite N.S.

Studies on Maturity Indices of Lesser Yam (Dioscorea esculenta L.)
Vishe R. Rohit, Haldavanekar P.C., Parulekar Y. R., Pawar C.D., More S.S. and Gudadhe P.S.

Effect of Different Pre-Sowing Seed Treatments on Seed Germination and Subsequent Seedling Growth of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) in the Konkan Plains of Western India
A.B. Zanje, S.L. Ghavale, R.G. Khandekar, C.D. Pawar and S.G. Mahadik

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) Rind Syrup–A Value Added Products
Shreyas, S.G., Gawankar, M. S., Pawar, C.D., Malshe, K.V. and Sawant, P.S.

Aquaculture for Small-Scale and Subsistence Farmers
Karun Kant Yadava, Arun Goud Ediga, S. S. Relekar, S. B. Gore and P. A. Telvekar

Alternative Ways to Conserve Arthropod Natural Enemies: A Review
Vijay Laxmi Rai and Dhirendra Kumar Singh

Preparation of Carambola (Averrhoa carambola L.) Wine
Vasudha,V.S., Kulkarni, M. M., Pawar, C.D., Salvi, V.G. and Gawankar, M.S.

Morphometric Analysis of Babhulgaon Watershed Using Geospatial Techniques
R. D. Bansod, N. N. Bhale, S. B. Nandgude, B. K. Gavit and A.G. Durgude

Effect of Iron and Zinc Application on Soil Properties, Nutrient Uptake and Yield of Green Gram (Vignaradiata L.) in Inceptisol
Boradkar S. G., Adsul P.B., Tribhuwan A. R. and Shelke M.S.

Food Fortification–The Indian Scenario
Sruthy P. M., Vidya T. A., Sharon C. L., Lakshmy P. S. and Seeja Thomachan

Evaluation of Effect of Different Drying Methods on Carambola (Averrhoa carambola L.)
A. P. Yalmar, M. M. Kulkarni, C. D. Pawar, P. S. Sawant and Khanvilkar M. H.

Micropropagation Studies in Vanilla: A Flavored Plant
S. A. Fargade, M.R. Shelke and D.S. Darade

Sorghum Crop is an Excellent Source of Renewable Fuel Production
Mastu Patel and Rubina Gill

SKUAST-K Kisan Mela: Utility and Effectiveness
Parveen Kumar and Dil M Makhdoomi

Evaluate the Efficacy of Newer Insecticides against Major Insect Pests of Cabbage
Patidar Ankit and Vaishampayan Sanjay

A Histopathological Changes Observed in Endosulfan Induced Climbing Perch, Anabas testudineus (Bloch.)
Arti Kumari

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 9, No. 2, Year 2023

Inner Pages


Response of Black Gram [Vigna mungo (L.)] Cultivars to Fertilizer Levels on Yield and Yield Attributes
Sarwade V. R., Ilhe S. S., Danawale N. J., Durgude A. G. and Patil M. R.

Management of Stem Rot of Mustard through Fungicides
Diksha Singh, Ramesh Singh, AK Prajapati, AlkaYadav and Gaurav

NPK Requirement for Growth Parameters in Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica L.) under Middle Gujarat Condition
B. A. Jethava, K. M. Patel and V. D. Rathva

Studies on the Effect of Elevated Co2 Concentration in C3, C4 and Cam Plants in Indian Climate
M. Ganesh Reddy and Karthik Chittibomma

Antioxidant Properties of Methanolic Extracts from Gaba Enriched Njavara Rice
Simla Thomas, Aneena E.R., Seeja Thomachan Panjikkaran, Sharon C.L. and
Berin Pathrose

Evaluation of Different Fungicide against Alternaria Leaf Blight of Linseed (Linum usitatissimum (L)
Anita Yadav, Ramesh Singh, Shubham Singh and Chandramani Patel

Combined Effect of Different Factors on the Body and Texture of Dahi
Narendra Kumar

The Response of Cape Jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides Ellis) Cutting to Various Propagation Media
G. C. Kapare, S. B. Thorat and Swarda P. Parab

Fficacy of Microencapsulation for Preservation of Probiotic Bacteria
K.H. Ajisha, C.L. Sharon, E.R. Aneena, Seeja Thomachan Panjikkaran and
A.K. Beena

IBA Induced Rooting Characteristics in Wrightia tictoria R. Br.
Mohammed Shamsan Mannengal, Fariz V. and Swati Shedage

Reviews on Solar Polytunnel Dryer
Aditya Joshi, K.J. Kamble, V. P. Kad and V. A. Salve

Response of Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) CV. Calcutta Double to Gibberellic Acid and Pinching for Yield Improvement under
Konkan Agro-Climatic Condition
Namrata S Kakade, Nitesh V Dalvi, Bharat R Salvi, Sandeep G. Mahadik and
Laxmi S Pawar

Millet Consumption: Key to Healthy Life
Neeru Sharma, Yadevendra Yadav and Khem Chand Sharma

Assessment of Social Media Use and Depressive Behaviour of Adolescents (14-18 Years) and Awareness of Parents Regarding Social Media Addiction Among Adolescents
Jaimi Elizabath and N Dhanya

Effect of Inorganic Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Mungbean under Guava Based Agri Horticulture System
Twinkle Krishnan

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
Shikha Jain, Poonam Maurya, Shubham Jagga, Vinay Kumar, Shubham Jain and Laya P.

Functional validation of cry1Ab gene cassette in Nicotiana tabacum L.
Sekhar Tiwari

Assessment on Farmers’ Choice of Maize Varieties, Awareness and Compliance to GM Maize Permit Conditions in OR Tambo District, Eastern Cape Province
Siphokazi S. Ngcinela, Abbyssinia A. Mushunje, Amon A. Taruvinga and
Charles Shelton C. S Mutengwa

Standardisation and Quality Evaluation of Betel Leaf Based Candy
Vidya T. A., Seeja Thomachan, Sharon C. L., Aneena E. R. and Lakshmy P. S.

Organic Farming-Eco-Friendly Agriculture and a Vision Toward a Healthy Nation
Prakash Yadav, T Pandiaraj, D.K. Singh and Vimlesh Kumar

Middle Indo-Gangetic Plains: A Comprehensive Report on Agricultural Issues and Potential Challenges for Improving Livelihood of the Farmers
Pandiaraj T., Prakash Yadav and D.K. Singh

Seasonal Incidence of Major Insect Pests of Cabbage with Weather Parameters
Patidar Ankit and Vaishampayan Sanjay

Sustainable Development of Agriculture Goals with Local Self Governance
Shrawan Kumar Shukla

In Vitro Studies of Macro-Elements Effects (Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Calcium) on Musa Sps. (Banana Variety–Grand Naine)
N. Supraja, Venkateswarlu Yedoti and B. Vijaykumar

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 9, No. 3, Year 2023



Effect of Sterilization and Potting Media on Growth of Scion and Rootstock Seedlings for Grafting in Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
MC Bhoite, LK Gabhale, YR Parulekar, JJ Kadam and RV Dhopavkar

Development and Quality Evaluation of Pumpkin Seed Incorporated Nutri Spread
Delgi Joseph, C., Sharon, C.L., Seeja Thomachan Panjikkaran, Lakshmy,
P.S., Suman, K.T., Sreelakshmi, A.S. and Athira Raj

Changes in Chemical Composition of Jackfruit-Kokum Blended Jelly during Storage
P.T. Garje, Pawar, C.D., Kulkarni M.M., Kadam J.J. and Dhopavkar R.V.

Analysis of Constraints Faced by Blackgram Growers in Humid South Eastern Plain Zone of Rajasthan
Antima Meghwal, B.L. Dhaka, Kirti, Khajan Singh and C.B. Meena

Impact of Integrated Weed Management Practices on Weed Flora, Yield Traits and Seed Yield of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Saket Kapoor and Rakesh Kumar

A Study on Socio-Economic Profile of Lentil Growers in South Eastern Plain Zone of Rajasthan
Suman, Kirti, B. L. Dhaka, Khajan Singh and M.K. Sharma

Soil Fertility Mapping of Available Nutrients in the Rubber Growing Soils of Meghalaya Under North-Eastern Region
R.P. Singh, M.D. Jessy, B. Pradeep, Joshua Abraham, D. Mandal, Annie Philip, P. Prasannakumari and James Jacob

Assessment of Genetic Variability for Yield and its Contributing Traits in Little Millet (Panicum sumatrense L.)
Shivani Hote, Priti Sonkamble, Akanksha Kasadiwar and Snehal Darwe

Retail Marketing Issues–Vegetable Growers of Kasia Block of Kushinagar District of Uttar Pradesh
Ashok Rai, A. K. Dubey, Ajay Kumar Rai, Shamsher Singh and Vikas Singh

Farmer-to-Farmer Learning: Catalysts for Novel Agricultural Extension
Pankaj Kumar Ojha and Kalyan Ghadei

To Find Out Appropriate Type of Healing Chamber for Successful Chilli Grafting–A Review
PM Gaikwad, LK Gabhale, YR Parulekar and JJ Kadam

Reviews on Jaggery Processing Method
Aniket Thorat, G.B. Yenge, V. P. Kad and S. P. Sonawane

Accessibility of Information and Communication Technologies for e-Readiness: A Study in Uttar Pradesh
Ashok Rai, Basavaprabhu Jirli and Ajay Kumar Rai

Character Association and Path Coefficient Analysis for Grain Yield and its Contributing Traits in Little Millet (Panicum sumatrense L.)
Shivani Hote, Priti Sonkamble, R.B. Ghorade and D.G. Kanwade

Degradation of Land and Soil Pollution in the Hilly State-Manipur
Akoijam Nirmala Devi, Ch.Umabati Devi and N. Bijaya Devi

Impact of Planting Dates on Variability Components in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Nellisha Ngoruw Moyon, Rakesh Kr. Dubey, Vikas Singh and Ps. Mariam Anal

Implication of Climate Change on Plant Diseases and its Significance in Global Food Security
Hivre Anand Dashrath, Murkute Gauri Bhausaheb, Jadhav Shubham Suresh and Dhavan Karanraj Chakrapani

Effect and Deficiency in Humans due to Vegan Diet
Atharva Pravinkumar Bhandare and Sagar Sanjay Deshpande

To Study the Effect of Potting Media and its Sterilization on Growth and Vigour of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) Seedlings–A Review
PM Gaikwad, LK Gabhale, YR Parulekar and RV Dhopavkar

Comparative Study of Yoghurt Manufactured from Cow, Buffalo, Mixed and Standardized Milk
Neeraj Kumar Patel, Shalu Singh, Ashok Kumar Singh and Pushp Raj Shivahre

Socio-Economic Livelihood and Food Security Issues under Changing Climatic Scenario
Pragati Saxena and Pankaj Kumar Ojha

Invasive Alien Plant Species (IAPS): Distribution, Threats and Benefits under Predicted Climate Change in the
Freshwater Ecosystems of Canchipur, Manipur, India

Ch. Umabati Devi and Akoijam Nirmala Devi

Effect of Heavy Metals Concentration through Wastewater Irrigation on Vegetables in Vicinity of Varanasi, India
Dinesh Kumar Patel and Devashish Singh

Impact of Climate Change on Socioeconomics and Ecological Transformation in Bundelkhand Region
Shambhavi Awasthi

Studies on the Effect of Nanoresveratrol on the Ovine Ovarian Functions: A Review
Ramesh H S., Manasa V., Nandi S., Gupta PSP and Girish Kumar V.

Short Communication
In Vitro Prevention of Browning in Indian Laburnum (Cassia fistula L.)

Sekhar Tiwari and Rajio Singh

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 9, No. 4, Year 2023



Long Term Effect of Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) Seedling Nurseries on Soil Properties in North East India
R.P. Singh, M.D. Jessy, U. Chandra and D. Mandal

Design and Development of Cost-Effective Walk-in Tunnel in Konkan Region for Cultivation of Selective Vegetables in Monsoon Season
P. S. Fulari, S. T. Patil, U. S. Kadam, H.T. Jadhav and B. L. Ayare

Study of the Productivity and Economics of Mustard (Brassica Compestris) under Different Farm Size Levels
Ashok Kumar Singh

Combining Ability Analysis in Sesame (Sesame indicum L.)
N.G. Gite, A.M. Misal, S.B. Mirkad, G.A. Bhosle and O. D. Korale

Heterosis Studies in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
S.B. Mirkad, A.M. Misal, G.A. Bhosle, N.G. Gite and O.D. Korale

Interaction Effect of Land Configuration and Nutrient Management on Yields and Nutrient Uptake in Wheat
(Triticumaestivum L.) under Partially Reclaimed Coastal Salt Affected Soils of South Gujarat

D.K. Borse, V.N. Shetye, S.S. Sayyad and J. Rameti

Combining Ability and Gene Action Studies in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
S.B. Mirkad, A.M. Misal, N.G. Gite, G.A. Bhosle and O.D. Korale

Impact of Fertilizer Levels and Plant Growth Regulators on Performance of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
V.V. Sagvekar, A.M. Netanrao, S.S. Sayyad, L.K. Gabhale, S.R. Kadam and
P.S. Bodake

Study the Efficacy of Controlled Upward Tapping (CUT) Comparative with Normal Tapping on the Yield Performance
of Hevea brasiliensis (CLONE RRIM 600) under the Garo Hills of Meghalaya

R.P. Singh, K.U. Thomas, Umesh Chandra, James Jacob and M.D. Jessy

Study of the Income from Sorghum under Different Farm Size Groups
Ashok Kumar Singh

Effect of Drip Irrigation on Performance of Papaya-A Review
V.V. Sagvekar, S. S. Sayyad, L.K. Gabhale and A.P. Chavan

Response of Fertility Levels and Liquid Biofertilizers on Growth and Productivity of
Taramira (Eruca sativa) under Rainfed Conditions

Sajid Khan and P.K. Sharma

Heavy Metal Contamination in Soil and Vegetable: A Review of Situation, Impact and Remediation Techniques of India
Devashish Singh and Dinesh Kumar Patel

Studies on Air Layering in Carambola (Averrhoa carambola L.)
P.S. Jagtap, M. M. Kulkarni, C. D. Pawar, P. C. Mali, N. H. Khobragade and
A. P Samant

Chironjii (Buchananialanzan Spreng.) : A Potential Non-Timber Forest Tree
Vimlesh Kumar, D. K. Singh, V. K. Singh, Prakash Yadav and Anil Kumar Singh

Organic Food Products Distribution System: Producer to Consumer
Anil Kumar Singh, D. K. Singh, Prakash Yadav, T. Pandiaraj and Vimlesh Kumar

Response of Integrated Nutrient Management on Growth and Yield of Cape gooseberry (Physallisperuviana L.)
Madan Lal, Rajneesh Singh, Aman Shrivastava, Raj Pandey and Hari Baksh Singh

Efficacy of Herbicides on Growth and Yield Attributes of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under Irrigated Condition
Bhanu Sharma and Santosh Kumar

Effect of Planting Methods on Economics of Paddy (Oryza sativa)
Jadhav K. K., Kashid N. V., Najan V. R., Bhadre T. V. and Jadhav S. K.

Effect of Soil and Foliar Application of Humic Acid on Growth and Quality Parameter of Black Gram (Vigna mungo L.)
Shendare Vinod Dinesh, Hanwate Gautam Ramrao, Pidurkar Pranav Kishor and Khule Yogesh Ramesh

Effect of Humic Acid on Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Content of Soybean (Glycine max L.)
Pidurkar Pranav Kishor, Hanwate Gautam Ramrao, Gunale Vaishali Prakash and Shendare Dinesh Vinod

In Vitro and In Vivo Exploration of Fungicides with Bio-Agents against Anthracnose Disease of Mango
Caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

Pooja R. Adsul, RR Rathod, MS Joshi, YR Parulekar, MG Palshetkar,
VD Patil and NV Chaure

Studies on Foliar Application of Nano N Fertilizer on Performance of Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) under Vertisols
A. R. Bhand, P. G. Chavan and J.Q. Pathan

Studies on Sensory Properties and Cost of Production of Paneer Prepared from Buffalo Milk Blended with Cow Colostrum
RB Kurumkar, PV Padghan, HR Tidake, AN Khatare and DK Dukare

Effect of Pre-Harvest Chemical Spray and Bagging on the Post-Harvest Quality and Organoleptic Quality
of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) Fruits cv. Sardar

R. D. Ritthe, R. A. Patil, V. S. Jagtap, B. B. Chavan and A. D. Doke

Assessment of Yield Criteria in Soybean (Glycine max L.) through Correlation and Path Analysis
V. A. Dhengle, M. V. Dhuppe, P. M. Salunke, Y. D. Chibhade and J. Q. Pathan

Exploring the Impact of Sugar Sources on the Physio-Chemical Characteristics of Banana Wine During Fermentation Process
Chavan B.B., Ghuge N. N., Raut S. L. and Ritthe R. D.

Personal and Socio-Economic Characteristics of Beneficiaries under Maharashtra Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MREGS)
Suraj Jadhav, Santosh Warawadekar, Sandip Deshmukh and Sanjay Torane

WhatsApp as an Educative Ally: Unveiling the Impact of Information Delivery Modes on Knowledge Acquisition
Naik, G. V., Sawant, P.A., Kadam, J. R. and Jadhav, S. L.

Review of Medicinal Plant in Hashimoto Thyroiditis and Grave’s Disease
Vikas Gupta

Character Association and Path Analysis Studies in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
K. S. Rathod, P. B. Wadikar, A. J. Salunke and Y. D. Chibhade

Stability Analysis for Pod Yield and its Contributing Component Traits in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
J.Q. Pathan, M.V. Dhuppe, A. K. Zate, A.J. Salunke and Bhand A.R.

Correlation Analysis for Fruit Yield and its Related Traits in Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]
A. K. Zate, S. P. Pole, J. Q. Pathan, A. J. Salunke and V. A. Dhengle

Studies on Economics Foliar Application of Nano N Fertilizer on Performance of Sunflower (Helianthusannus L.) under Vertisols
A.R. Bhand, P. G. Chavan and J.Q. Pathan

Identify the Constrains for Getting Information of Different Schemes for Doubling Farm Income and Suggestion to Overcome the Constraints
S. R. Gaikwad, K. S. Thorat and D. K. Dongre

Estimate the Risk Involved in Pigeonpea Production Among Different IPM Adoption Categories
D.K. Dongre, S.H. Kamble, R.D. Shelke, S.R. Gaikwad and C.M. Pathare

Challenges and Opportunities in Modern Home Science Extension: A Critical Review
Pragati Saxena, Samreen Fatma and Pankaj Kumar Ojha

Studies on Physico-Chemical Properties of Shrikhand Prepared by Using Fennel Seed Powder and Jeshthamadh Powder
AN Khatare, KR Chavan, DK Dukare, RB Kurumkar and HR Tidake

Mortality Dynamics of Spodoptera frugiperda due to Bacillus thuringiensis (bt) var. Kurstaki 3.5% ES Biopesticide on Maize Crop
P.S. Gore, V.K. Bhamare A.V. More and R.B. Kapare

To Estimate LD50 of Different Biopesticides against Different in Star Larvae of S. frugiperda on Maize
P.S. Gore, V.K. Bhamare, A.V.More and P.M. Lagad

Studies on Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis for Yield and Yield Contributing Characters in Pigeonpea [Cajanuscajan (L). Millips]
A. A. Madake, S. B. Sarode, V. R. Bhakad, P. R. Chavan and S. G. Dhawale

Studies on Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis for Seed Yield Per Plant in Linseed (Linumusitatissmum L.)
N. A. Gavhane, S. B. Sarode, V. R. Bhakad, P. R. Chavan and S. G. Dhawale

Field Insights: Evaluating Novel Fungicides on Alternaria Blight and Disease Intensity in Tomato Cultivation
AD Hivre, JS Suryawanshi, GB Murkute, Gaikwad DS and RR Gawali

Constraints Faced by Vegetable Growers in Marketing of Vegetables and Suggestions to Overcome it
B. D. Sherkhane, J. M. Deshmukh, V. B. Samrit, S. R. Gaikwad and A. D. Hivre

Assessment of Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance of Yield and Related Traits in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
Y. D. Chibhade, P. B. Wadikar, P. M. Salunke, K. S. Rathod and A. R. Bhand

Studies on Varietal Response of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) to Light Interruption under Polyhouse Condition
R. A. Dhone, B. R. Salvi, N.V. Dalvi, A. V. Mane, H. T. Jadhav, V. J. Kelaskar and C. V. Uphade

Effect of Foliar Application of Nano Urea on Yield and Yield Contributing Characteristics of Wheat Grown under
Normal and Saline-Sodic Soils

S.M Acharya, B. D Bhakare, A.G Durgude and R Thakare

Effect of Composition of Potting Media and its Sterilization on Seedling Vigour for Grafting in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Siddhi S. Pharande, Y. R. Parulekar, P.B. Sanap, J. J. Kadam and V.G. More

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 10, No. 1, Year 2024



Response of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) cv. Salem to Vegetative Growth Planted by Using Pro Tray Seedling to Organic
Manures and Spacing

PN Jangwad, PC Mali, RG Khandekar, MM Kulkarni and SS More

Attitude of Farmers towards Private Extension Services
Chavan, K.A., Borate, H.V., Bhosale, S.A. and Kadaskar, N. D.

Attitude of Farmers towards Mixed Farming
Bhosale, S.A., Borate, H.V., Chavan, K.A. and Kadaskar, N.D.

Effect of Bioregulants for Organic Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Production cv. Salem
VS Borate, RT Bhingarde, PC Mali, RG Khandekar and RV Dhopavkar

Response of Clipping on Growth and Yield Improvement in Spider Lily (Hymenocallis littoralis L.)
Maheshwari B. Maske, Nitesh V. Dalvi, Bharat R. Salvi, Kiran V. Malshe and Sandip G. Mahadik

Effect of Media and its Sterilization on Seedling Vigour for Grafting in Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
Prajwal M. Gaikwad, L. K. Gabhale, Y. R. Parulekar, R.V. Dhopavkar and
J. J. Kadam

Constraints Experienced by the Input Dealers in Providing Agro Services to the Farmers of Juangadh District
K. A. Khambhala, V. N. Chavda, S.J. Parmar and Khushbuba M. Jadeja

Estimation of Heterosis in Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L) R.Br.] for Yield and its Component Traits
A. D. Shinde, A. B. Bagade, S.B. Pawar, M. B. Akhare and V. R. Bhakad

Examining Effective Teaching Strategies in Extension Education: A Review of KVK Professionals' Methods and Impact
Prince Kumar and Pankaj Kumar Ojha

Combining Ability and Gene Action Analysis in A Diverse Twelve-Parent Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L) R.Br.] Population
A. D. Shinde, A. B. Bagade, C. B. Patil, V. R. Bhakad and M. B. Akhare

Assessment of Physical Properties and Minerals Composition in Enhanced Mungbean Varieties
Shrikrishna B. Narale, D.P. Kachre, A.A. Kale, P. K. Lokhande, N. S. Kute, Ramchnadra. J. Navatre and V.B. Gore

Effect of Nipping and Spacing on Growth and Yield of Medium Duration Pigeonpea Genotype BDN-716
P.A. Pagar, C.B. Patil and D.K. Patil

Evaluation of Spawn Substrates for Production of Split Gill Mushroom
Amruta Aswasana, Rayavalasa Satyarenuka, Niranjan Chinara, Shyama Sundar Mahapatra, Sadichha Hota and Om Prakash Barik

Effect of Storage on Turmeric Seed Rhizome and Qualitative Attributes
Nellisha Ngoruw Moyon, C.S. Maiti, M.M. Shulee Ariina and Sabastian KS

Effect of AREG (200 ng and 250 ng) on Cumulus Expansion of Cumulus Oocyte Complexes Isolated from in-vitro Grown Sheep Preantral Follicles
Ramesh.H.S., Kotresh, A.M., Nandi.S., Gupta PSP and Girish Kumar V.

Vermicomposting for Sustainable Agriculture and Economic Upliftment of Rural Farmers of Meghalaya, North East India
Popiha Bordoloi

Organic Farming: A Way towards Maintaining Soil Health, Improving Crop Productivity and Livelihood Security of Tribals in NE India
Sanjay-Swami and Popiha Bordoloi

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 10, No. 2, Year 2024



Solar Drying of Tomato in Modified Solar Polytunnel Dryer
A.S. Joshi, K. J. Kamble, V. P. Kad, V. A. Salve, G. N. Shelke and A. A. Thorat

Standardization of Modified Atmospheric Packaging Conditions for Peeled Garlic Cloves (Allium sativum L.)
H.A. Bagul, V.A. Salve, K. J.Kamble, V. P.Kad, G. N. Shelke and S. L.Karale

Standardisation and Quality Evaluation of Plant Based Milk Substitute from White Rice
Sreelakshmi A. S., Seeja Thomachan Panjikkaran, Aneena E. R., Sharon C. L., Lakshmy P. S., Prameela P, Delgi Joseph, C. and Athira Raj

Synthesis of Silver Nano-Particle from Citruslemon and Punicagranatum and its Characterization
M.R.Shelke, S.A. Fargade and H.D.Takale

Modified Atmospheric Packaging for Fig (Ficus carica L.) Fruit–A Review
Dalvi Akshada, Kad V. P., Kamble K. J., Sonawane S. P., Karale S. L., Patil M. R and Patil S.A

Study on Cost and Returns of Sugarcane Production in Kushinagar District of Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Satish Chandra Verma and Hraday Kumar

The Positive Impact of Soybean Proteins and Peptides on Chronic Health Issues- A Review
Gazala Bashir

Evaluation of Different Extractants for Available Sulphur in Pulse Growing Soils of Ballia District U.P.
Suman Yadav, Ashok Kumar Singh, Anil Kumar Singh and Amar Pal

Socio-Economic Status of Various Categories of Dairy Farmers in Maharajgang, District, U.P.
Shashikant Chaudhary, Dheeraj Kumar Verma, Pratibha Bhaskar and
Ram Sahay Choubey

Effect of Organic and the Inorganic Sources of Phosphorous and Nano Dap on Performance of Chickpea
(Cicer arietinum L.) in Inceptisols of Varanasi
Monica D., P. K. Sharma and Madhulika

Effects of Certain Agricultural Practices on Soil Springtails (Hexapoda: Collembola) in Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Mahadevan Raghuraman and Santeshwari

Recent Advances and Innovative Approaches for Climate Smart Agriculture
Ratnesh Kumar Raoss

Ashok Kumar Singh

Guide for Authors


Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 10, No. 3, Year 2024



Effect of Fertigation Levels and Foliar Application on Growth and Yield Attributes of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus
(L.) under Rain Shelter Condition
Ammu Punnoose and Sajitha Rani T

Effect of Nipping Practices on Yield Attributes and Yield of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties
Aditya Tyagi and Jaidev Sharma

Studies on Effect of Inorganic, Organic and Biofertilizers on Soil Biological Properties and Productivity in Soybean
Shrddha Magar, S. T. Shirale, and Priya Satwadhar

To Study the Feasibility of Different Programmes under Taken by KVKs
Prince Kumar, Y. K. Singh and K.K. Singh

To Study the Constraints and Opinions of Maize Grower in Aurangabad District of Maharashtra
J.B. Tawale, R.A. Thombare and G.M. Bodakhe

Ecofriendly Management of Soil Nitrogen by Using Leguminous Plants: A Review
Vinod Kumar, T. Pandiaraj and D.K. Singh

Management of Insect-Pest of Tomato Crop in Field and Protected Structures
Vijay Laxmi Rai, Vinit Pratap Singh and D. K. Singh

Vermi-Remediation as a Biological Tool for the Treatment of Metal Contaminated Soil
Priyanka and Braj Kishor Prasad Singh

Tray Drying, Sensory and Physico-Chemical Analysis during Storage of Green Bell Pepper
Prahlad Priyadarshi, R. N. Shukla and Ingale Bhushan Subhash

Edible Cutlery a Sustainable Alternative to Single Use Plastic Cutlery
Ingale Bhushan Subhash, Avanish Kumar and Prahlad Priyadarshi

Bastar: A Case Study in Ecotourism Potential for Sustainable Development
Kritika Thakur and Garima Tiwari

Selection of Candidate Plus Culms for Pseudoxytenanthera madhavii Bamboo in the Central Western Ghats
P. D. Gadling, A. D. Rane, S. S. Narkhede and V. D. Tripathi

Modernization of Indian Family: A Sociological Study
Varun Kumar Upadhyay

Changes in Sensory Quality of Carbonated RTS Beverage from Jamun (Syzygium cumini L.) During Storage
O. U. Gawade, C. D. Pawar, M. M. Kulkarni, J. J. Kadam and M. C. Kasture

Studies on Sensory Quality and Cost of Production of Blended Wine Prepared from Cashew Apple (Anacardium occidentale L.) and Aonla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) Juice
Apeksha B. Kamble, C. D. Pawar, M. H. Khanvilkar, J. J. Kadam and M. C. Kasture

Character Association and Path Analysis for Yield and Yield Components in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
A. A. Shaikh, S. T. Rathod, R. P. Doke, Y. A. Raut and A. N. Kavale

Studies of Heterosis in Tomato-A Review
L.K. Gabhale, S. S. Sayyad, A. V. Dahiphale and V.V. Sagvekar

To Study the Constraints and Opinions of Wheat Grower in Parbhani District of Maharashtra
J.B. Tawale, R.A. Thombare and V.S. Kedare

Precision Agriculture & Nano-Technology
Prakash Yadav, T Pandiaraj, Vimlesh Kumar, D.K. Singh, Sandeep Kumar Pandey,
Anil Kumar Singh and Vinod Kumar

To Study the Socioeconomic Characteristics of Wheat Growers in Parbhani District of Maharashtra
J.B. Tawale, R.A. Thombare and V.S. Kedare

Climate-Related Technology Adoption in the Agricultural Sector: A Review Paper
Mashayamombe B.K. and Mushunje A.

Heterosis Studies for Some Quantitative Traits in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
R.P. Doke, S.T. Rathod, P.B. Wadikar, A.A. Shaikh, P.K. Meena and Y.A.Raut

Effect of Chitosan on Growth and Vigour of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus L.) Grafts
A. S. Sarangkar, V. P. Damodhar, P. M. Haldankar, M. M. Kulkarni and M. C. Kasture

In Vitro Efficacy of Fungicides against Pestalotiopsis mangiferae (P. Henn.) Steyaert Causing Grey Blight of Mango
N. N. Waghmare, R. A. Chavan, S. J. Magar, O. J. Jadhav and N. H. Patil

In Vitro Efficacy of Fungicides against Sclerotium rolfsii (Sacc.) Causing Collar Rot of French Bean
O. J. Jadhav, S.V. Waghmare, S.J. Magar, N.N. Waghmare and K. B. Shinde

Guide for Authors

Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences - Vol. 10, No. 4, Year 2024



Economic Evaluation of Finger Millet Cultivation in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra: A Costs & Returns Approach
P. A. Choudhar, S.S. Lohar, R.A. Thombare, V. G. Jadhav and S. B. Hadolikar

Agronomic Evaluation of Minisett Amorphophallus Intercrop Pedunder Varying Nutrient Doses in Banana
Sheeba Rebecca Isaac, Lijimol KJ and Pallavi K. N.

Impact of Fodder Crop Cultivation on Livelihood of Farmers
Surojit Kar, Pallabi Patra, Arnab Das and Neha Kumari Singh

Constraints Faced by Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana Beneficiaries and Suggestions to Overcome the Constraints
P. A. Sakhare, B. Y. Ghuge, V. B. Samrit and S. R. Gaikwad

Demand Function of Catch Fish Consumers in Allahabad Gangetic Region
Anil Kumar Singh, D.K. Singh, S.K. Pandey, Renu Gaggwar, Prakash Yadav,
Dipti Bisarya Vinai Kumar and Akanksha Tiwari

Performance of Peanut Genotypes of Virginia and Spanish Bunch Habit Groups for their Suitability During Kharif Season
under Changing Climatic Condition in West Bengal

G. Mahata and P. Halder

Integrated Agricultural Management and Role of Sustainable Eco-Friendly Practices in India
Gyan Jyoti and Vijay Kumar

Evaluating the Abundance and Potential Use of Parasitic Hymenoptera for Biological Pest Management in
Tomato Farms of Muzaffarpur District, Bihar

Neha Rani, Archana Gupta and Alpna Mallick

Constraints Faced by Rural Youth for Achieving their Occupational Aspirations and Suggestions to Overcome it
V. B. Samrit, S. R. Gaikwad, P. A. Sakhare and B. Y. Ghuge

Effect of Fertigation Levels and Foliar Application on Growth and Yield Attributes of Okra
(Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) under Rain Shelter Condition

Ammu Punnoose and Sajitha Rani T

Surveying for Assessing the Quality and Performance of Groundnut Seeds Cultivated by the Peasants
& Soil Health of Hardoi District of Uttar Pradesh

Kedar Nath Rai, Trilok Nath Rai and Sanjeev Kumar Rai

Value Addition and Marketing of Finger Millet Through Shivai Farmer Producer Company in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra
PA Choudhar, MS Jadhav, SS Lohar, YG Bann and BJ Deshmukh

Empowering Rural Women Through KVK’s Value Addition Training Programmes for SHG
Members of Karaikal District: An Impact Assessment

A. Senthil and K.P. Vanetha

Management of Stored Grain Pest Callosobruchus chinensis(L), A Major Pest of Black Gram Seeds in Bihar
Pinki Kumari, Archana Gupta, Bhavana, Pallavi Kumari and Rachana Kumari

Heterosis Studies for Some Quantitative Traits in Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)
A.R. Jadhav, P.B. Wadikar, D.D. Latthe and V.A. Kulkarni

Origin, Distribution, Impact and Management of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes): A Review as Friends or
Foe in Society of Indian Peasants for Compost Preparation & Soil Health

Kedar Nath Rai, Trilok Nath Rai and Sanjeev Kumar Rai

Assessment of Physicochemical Properties and Water Quality Index of Various Collected Water Samples
Manisha Pathania, Anshika Puri, Rahul Thakur, Nancy and Shudh Kirti Dolma

Studies of Combining Ability in Tomato- A Review
L.K. Gabhale, S. S. Sayyad, P. S. Gudadhe and S. N. Sawant

Climate Change and Food Security: A Review
Anamika Yadav and Pushpa Kumari

Addressing the Impact of Air Pollution to Global Biodiversity
Alpna Mallick, Archana Gupta and Neha Rani

Hydroponic Solution and Security for Future food production-A Review
Sandeep Kumar Pandey, D. K. Singh, P. K. Mishra and Prakash Yadav

Population Fluctuation of Predatory Mite on Okra at Samastipur, Bihar
Swetalin Gouda and Surendra Prasad

Study the Income Level and Productivity of Potato in Azamgarh District Under Different Groups of Forms
Ashok Kumar Singh

Guide for Authors